Latest Anti Gun Regs from E-bay

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Wild Billy D

Jun 6, 2006
You all aren't going to believe this. Well maybe you will. Anyway I've got to tell whoever will listen about the latest e-bay anti gun regs. I put my cowboy holsters on e-bay along with some cowboy cuffs I made and was kicked because I was foolish enough to put 45 long colts in the holsters to show how they would fit. In my description I stated that the pistols were not included in the sale but that didn't matter. There was nothing in their regulations stating that you couldn't picture guns in holsters and there are lots of holsters with guns in them on ebay. Also holsters were allowed to be sold, according to their "anti" gun policy. After I went up in smoke>>>:fire: they finally stated that this is their new policy, and I quote:

eBay has recently revised its Firearms policy so that sellers may no
longer include pictures of any firearm in their listings, even if they
state that the firearm is not included in their auction. This policy was
enforced to prevent unauthorized distribution of firearms on our site. I
sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. You
are welcome to relist your holster provided you remove any pictures of
the firearm.

My answer to this was, and I quote: LOL!!!!!!!!! Of course I wanted to say a lot more but one simply shouldn't waist their breath at those who are that ignorant :banghead:
Welcome to their world!

Someone else posted about that a while back. It's still not easy for them to enforce, as some will slip through the cracks.

I was looking for a SKS stock earlier and found an auction that had a photo of the complete rifle with the stock that was for sale on it. Auction had a note that the rifle was not for sale only the stock...just checked, and it's still an active auction.
Ebay is only helping

I recently ordered a rifle scope from from a fellow in Florida. He said he was done with Ebay and pretty much had the same experience. He was selling an uzi folding stock or the like. He said he got pretty much the same response. And it was only the stock in the image, no uzi shown for scale, fit or what not.

Ebay told him that since it's for an 'automatic' weapon they would not allow it. His response was, "it's a stock, there is no image of a gun" He said that was his last straw and he quit using Ebay. He now uses or auction arms.

Ebay is obviously doing just fine to purposely turn business away. They are in California, they are anti gun, and now anti business to even firearm accessories with images of guns to show for "fit, scale, finish, color and so on. What a bunch of Dorks.

Makes me feel like I got one over on Ebay. Was bidding on a Leupold Vari X-II and the seller listed a picture of a Winchester 7mm mag that the Leupold was attached to. The seller indicated that the rifle was For Sale and gave contact info. I think I paid $400.00 delivered to my FFL dealer and the rifle was like new.
Put the holsters up again with your guns in them and say something like "as per eBay rules guns used to show off holsters are only toys not real. Toy guns pictured not part of auction." Then if eBay deletes your auction call BS on them alloying toy guns to be pictured and sold but not allowing you to use them to accent your holsters.
In the past year or so,I have seen 3 firearms sold on Ebay.All used "Buy it now" and sold in a few hours.With the volume of ads they get,it'd be easy to sneak one by.Sounds like their lawyers are drinking too much caffeine again...:p
Isn't the owner of E-bay one of the candidates in the DEMOCRATIC primary in CA today.
I have thunk about putting up something like a grip or other accessory and then

in the write up

print up a big spiel about ebay's anti 2a policy and then only accept cash, check or "Gear Pay"( which is a gun friendly ebay-like cyber pay outfit in direct competition with paypal) and tell evrybody about them with links and terms and how they aren't phobic about shootin' irons.

Might be worth it just to irritate them.

Or maybe a piece (one piece) of .308 brass, start it off at 95 cents (the cheapest listing fee) and then keep repeating it. Seems like if your item don't sell, they let you relist it for free.
I've seen a number of ways people get around their restrictions. Hi-cap magazines are sold as either "three more than factory" or such, and I've even seen them sold under books, as something like "magazine about Beretta 92FS. 17 pages, published by manufacturer." :D
For being so anti, they sure to have a lot of listings for gun related material:


Gunbroker sells guns. eBay doesn't want to. So what.
Knowing its [arbitrary and bigoted] anti-gun policies, why would a buyer wanting guns or gun-related items even look on eBay? Conversely then, why would a seller post such items there?

Granted, eBay reaches a vastly larger audience than or other firearms auction sites. But if that audience excludes potential buyers of your product, why not just go elsewhere. Our "boycott" of eBay will not effect them. But why even worry about what should be a non-issue. We have alternatives (and more are on the way;) ).
Wild Billy D said:
You all aren't going to believe this. Well maybe you will. Anyway I've got to tell whoever will listen about the latest e-bay anti gun regs. I put my cowboy holsters on e-bay along with some cowboy cuffs I made and was kicked because I was foolish enough to put 45 long colts in the holsters to show how they would fit. In my description I stated that the pistols were not included in the sale but that didn't matter. There was nothing in their regulations stating that you couldn't picture guns in holsters and there are lots of holsters with guns in them on ebay. Also holsters were allowed to be sold, according to their "anti" gun policy.

eBay is a charter member in the progressive and discriminating cult to which guns do not belong. While one can buy pornorgraphy, drug paraphenalia, and quite a bit of other illegal substances from eBay, they hold their head up high and brag about their policies toward firearms!

It's all hypocrisy! Ignore it. Use another on-line auction site for your holster. if you wish, post an ad on eBay explaining what they did and their hypocrisy... Others have done this... These progressive pukes who run eBay practice selective discrimination all the time and need to be called on it at every opportunity...
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