Letter to editor may be published...

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Jan 2, 2003
St. Louis, in the Don't Show Me state
Okay - I got pissed off reading an editorial in the Post-Disgrace.

So I fired this off, and just got an e-mail back that they might print it (or likely a portion...


Racist Attitude

MISSOURI'S NEW concealed-weapons law is an abomination. People can carry concealed guns into schools, day care centers, and churches.

I can't believe that you printed this on your editorial page - Missouri is one of the few remaining states to still have the Jim Crow gun laws on the books, and you're supporting them? Are you arguing that the people of Missouri are somehow not as capable as the people in the 44 states that have done away with the laws that rob people, of all colors, races and genders, of the ability to protect themselves, their families/partners, and those around them? In the other states where concealed carry has been recently reinstated, dire warnings of blood in the streets have not
come true. Give Missouri citizens a break, and a little credit for brains and common sense.

And, for what it's worth, people _do_ carry concealed guns into schools, day care centers, and churches. It's illegal now, but they do it anyway. Criminals do whatever they want, regardless of law or polite request. My credit union has a sign on the door asking potential robbers to politely remove hats, sunglasses, etc. - do you actually think a robber would comply?
Good letter

I think it is great when us gun owners point out there stupid thinking. Keep up the good work
Other than a little better explanation of how the CCW ban was one of the "Jim Crow Laws". Sigh, sad that you'd have to explain, I know....

But otherwise, excellent! ( I also liked your mention of "families/partners" and throwing PC back in thier faces.)

Something about how that meant the law was written after the Civil War with a quid pro quo understanding that the law would never be applied to any white person of means.

I just always try to think about the lowest common denominator in my reading audience when writing anything pro-RKBA to the editorial page. It's a given since you're writing for anti's, and it's made worse by the state of what passes for journalism in most major newspapers...
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