Letter to my Congressman on the NO situation

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rock jock

Dec 24, 2002
In the moment
Dear Rep. Brady,

I am writing to express my alarm and extreme dismay at the events that have been taking place in recent days in New Orleans at hands of law enforcement personnel and U.S. soldiers, obstensibly under the direction of the Mayor of NO, the Louisiana Governor and FEMA. Specifically, I am referring to what appear to be overtly illegal and unConstitutional acts, including the entry into private residences by Louisiana State and out-of-state law enforcement and National Guard troops AGAINST the verbally stated will of the homeowners, the forced evacuation of healthy individuals in areas not directly affected by flood waters and in no immediate danger who choose to remain in their homes AND the forced confiscation of legally owned firearms possessed by law-abiding citizens. This acitivity is OUTRAGEOUS! I believe that there are clear violations of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution that are occurring under the color of law and in plain view of the country. If I didn't see these things played out on the nightly news myself, I would think they were the ramblings of a paranoid conspiracy nut. The sad truth is they are not.

If this type of behavior is allowed to go unchecked, if it is not investigated at the highest levels of government, and those responsible are not held accountable, a new chapter in American history will have opened. One that is dark and sure to be very dangerous. I don't think the true ramifications can be predicted yet, but I see this situation creating a national crisis for law enforcement. Peace officers are being asked/ordered to violate civil rights and commit illegal acts, and, in doing so, are eroding the respect for themselves and the law by those who pride themselves on being law-abiding and supporters of the law enforcement community. When the average citizen begins to view Officer Friendly as a jack-booted thug, the results will be disastrous, both for the citizen and for the police officer.
I certainly don't enjoy writing a letter like this, but felt it was necessary. I will check periodically with his office to see what is being done.
I wrote letters to my Congressman, Senators, and President Bush last week. Hopefully a lot of other people will also.

If every chest-thumping, dick-waving internet commando would write a letter to Congress, instead of declaring how he would yell molon labe and then lead a one-man revolution/suicide mission against these people, we might actually be able to keep the Constitution, and the peace, intact.
After I wrote my congressman, since the video I saw included California Highway Patrol tackling a lady who told them she didn't want them in her house, I also sent a letter to Governor Schwarzenegger. Even if they are operating under the auspices of Louisiana, those are CHP Officers willingly forcing an elderly lady from her home -- unacceptable.
I wrote email to the President, no telling if he actually read it or not.
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