Letter to TX Gov.and to all Americans Across the world

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Oct 14, 2012
The Yellow Rose of Texas
To the Texas Governor,Texans, and Americans across the world-
My name is Robert Sauceda,Im no one special, Just an ordinary guy trying to reach the american dream witch so few people don't believe in anymore. I love my family,my state,my country, and my fellow man, Yet I find myself having to struggle for my natural right to bear arms. Arms used for hunting, the preservation of life, In defense of my beloved country and as a last resort against tyranny which can corrupt any government. Arms regulation does nothing to curb violence as history shows, in fact in attributes to violence as we see in chicago and our nations capital which have the nations' highest murder rates and strictest gun laws.Let History never forget the atrocities done to an unarmed people, when in Germany a mass genocide of over 6 million people occurred after theyre government confiscated all armaments. I now call on you for the enemy is at the gates in the form of legislation, In those hallowed words of Colonel Travis ". I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch."I call on you as my friend, my neighbor, my brother."If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country. Victory or Death."
You made several spelling and grammar errors. And the historical reference is not entirely correct.
Thank you for the effort.
Yeah I can edit the spelling. But how is the holocaust incorrect? Over 6 million did perish due to german confiscation of the peoples weapons. Seems to me when you take the wolf's teeth out hes just a harmless puppy
BtB, Nazi's killed 13 million of which 6 were Jewish, the others were political, gypsy's,homosexuals, mental defects etc.
Travis did have a way with words tho, thanks.
Let me preface by saying that I am in no way defending or supporting Hitler or stricter gun control laws.

I cannot find any history on nationwide confiscation of firearms from all German citizens. The Jewish people were banned from owning weapons. The laws that were passed under Hitler mostly loosened gun control for law abiding citizens.
Permits were issued for longer periods of time, legal age was lowered to 18(from 20), long guns were deregulated, etc.

Using Hitler as reference may work for some causes, because nobody wants to be compared to Hitler. But I would stay away from making that reference, it is just too smear campaign like for me.
We have numerous far more germane and persuasive arguments at our disposal than histrionic invocations of Hitler, Nazi's and the holocaust. See Godwin's Law. i.e. When you play the wildly overplayed Hitler-card, it is a given that people roll their eyes and shut down.
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Your correct Russian I can always re edit as i said. Theres plenty of facts that we can present in our argument so please give me some more insight. Im going to send this to all my reps. Need all the help I can get.
Yeah I can edit the spelling. But how is the holocaust incorrect? Over 6 million did perish due to german confiscation of the peoples weapons. Seems to me when you take the wolf's teeth out hes just a harmless puppy

The notion that having more arms would have prevented the holocaust is highly doubtful if one does a little investigation to understand how things actually happened.
It was the Weimar Republic that disarmed much if Germany, not the Nazis.

The Nazis took advantage of the civilian disarmament, but did not implement it.

In any case, use a different analogy. If you don't understand why, Google Godwin's law.
FWIW, Most modern day Jews will tell you that they feel that even if all Jews were armed it would not have made any difference in the outcome, even in the Warsaw Ghetto's.
Not a real good reference, many more that are more powerful in today's times.
To the Texas Governor,Texans, and Americans across the world-
My name is Robert Sauceda,Im no one special, Just an ordinary guy trying to reach the american dream witch so few people don't believe in anymore. I love my family,my state,my country, and my fellow man, Yet I find myself having to struggle for my natural right to bear arms. Arms used for hunting, the preservation of life, In defense of my beloved country and as a last resort against tyranny which can corrupt any government. Arms regulation does nothing to curb violence as history shows, in fact in attributes to violence as we see in chicago and our nations capital which have the nations' highest murder rates and strictest gun laws.Let History never forget atrocities done to unarmed men and women. Why are some members of congress now abusing the powers that we the people have given them to draft unconstitutional laws? As Americans we say “we the people,for the people, by the people.” But recently its been against the people. How can congress as lawmakers define an amendment entails when the words “ shall not be infringed” are so clearly etched into paper and stone. I now call on you for the enemy is at the gates in the form of legislation, In those hallowed words of Colonel Travis ". I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch."I call on you as my friend, my neighbor, my brother."If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country. Victory or Death."

New but not improved I could use ,more insight as to what I can include. Spelling errors will be done in a final draft .
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