Looking for a heater for my safe - Not a Goldenrod

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Mar 13, 2009
North Idaho
HELP ! ! !
I have a Browning Pro-Steel 30 gun safe. It's roughly 36" wide, 30" deep and 70" tall.

I can't get it warm enough inside to warm the guns up to the point where I don't get condensation when I pull my guns from the safe.
I currently have 2 - 18" Goldenrods in the safe on the floor.
Does anybody make a small heater that puts out enough heat to keep it warmer inside, so condensation won't be an issue. As long as the guns remain in the safe there isn't any problem because the temps remain pretty constant. I've pretty much decide to keep the safe closed up during the winter to avoid the temp shifts.

Here's the big problem.
The safe is currently out in my garage. Temps out there can reach near sub-zero, and the goldenrods just can't produce enough heat against with those temps.

I want to move the safe to my family/computer room, but my wife wants to leave it out in the garage of at all possible.
I'm getting a dehumidifier for it on top of the goldenrods, but I still don't think that will be enough.
Does anybody know of a method or a heater available to get the safe warmed up without destroying my guns. I've got $20-$25K in guns, and probably $10K in ammo I want to better protect.
You're help will be greatly appreciated.
Some dehumidifiers don't work well in cold temperatures. I've seen the coils frost up when you get below 40-50 degrees or so.
If I'm not mistaken, all you need is to have the interior a little warmer than ambient temperature. It doesn't have to be warm, just a few degrees warmer than outside.
Yeah, it doesn't have to feel like a toaster oven inside. It just needs to be the same temp or warmer inside than the air outside....Before spending money on a heater, go buy a humidity gauge and put it in the safe to see if you actually need it.....I have a digital one that shows the safes interior temp and humidity. I put another digital gauge on the outside of the safe so I can compare the temps.
Right now their safe (no pun intended) from the temp/humidity shift. I'm keeping it closed with the glodenrods running. I'll wait for a day in the mid 50's before I move them. That way I won't have the temp shock and the humidity shift end up getting dew on them during the move. Looks like my wife loses this battle. The safes coming inside within the next week or so. I've got to get one of the guys from work to help me move it.
This is also my understanding. It can be 32 degrees in your garage, as long as the guns inside the safe are 33 or up, condensation will not attract to them. Now as far as wood shrinking/warping... That may be another issue.
You could get a small peltier based dehumidifier. No coils to freeze and they pump out heat while they remove humidity. Sunpentown makes some that have TiO2and UV-C elements to kill bacteria and decay chemicals in the air.
Considering where you live, the value of your collection and the environment in the garage that safe should come inside!

Bring the safe in the house and allocate a portion of it for your wife's jewelry. Maybe build a cabinet around it (Ikea?) to disguise the safe if it's that ugly.
Buy yourself a small cheap walmart special floor heater... drill a 1/2" in back of safe to allow the cord to fit, and viola...

Unless you are worried about burglars crawling through that hole to loot you.

You can always seal it up with something to keep the critters out.

Just an idea... never tried it, doesn't get that cold down here, and I keep my safe room temp inside...
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