Looks like gangsta but is not gansta style

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When Chuck Taylor was rangemaster when I went to 250 class (basic pistol) I went with my old(7 years previously) CO who was attending 350. We stayed in a small tent as there were NO facilities. We drank and howled at the moon, until the Col. 3 wheeled down from the sconce. He straighted us out real good!:eek: :eek: :eek: , after all "one never is free from being an officer and a gentleman by act of congress" even in the wilds of Paulden AZ!;)
Canting any firearm is not good for accuracy. Go to the range and try to do this at targets from 7~20 yards, see what happens compared to what you normally get at those same ranges with a proper grip and hold, stance.

When shooting one handed, a little canting of the pistol does NOT adversely affect my accuracy at any range. If you are right handed and right eye dominant, try shooting left-handed (or vice-versa) while keeping the gun in line with your forearm and you'll see why a cant can really come in handy. If one feels "ghetto" by doing so, than that's a personal insecurity.

Many of the top shooters use a bit of a cant when single handed shooting as well. A proper grip/hold is one that works best for a given scenario. What works in one situation may not always work in another.
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