M1 Garand quiz/easy

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Dec 1940 was the first month that production reached more then 12000. The production numbers conitnued to rise from here.

13,395 M1 Garand were produced.

Am I right?
Good guess. Sorry it's not the answer.
Can't give the answer out yet. Give it another try.
That's how we learn.
Thanks again
June 1939. #12848 was produced.

If you're talking the first YEAR 12000+ were produced:

It looks like serial #6972 was produced Dec 31, 1938 and Serial #23567 was produced Dec. 31, 1939.

So 16595 were produced in 1939 vs. 5938 in 1938.

-edited because I somehow typed a 4 instead of a 9. I'm pretty sure ZERO were produced in 1934-
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A little over 4 million M1's were made during WWII, about 500,000 of which were made by Winchester. So I would guess that from 1940 to 1945, they made 12,000+ every month.:)
Hi all,
I am looking for when SA built over 12,000 M1 Garands, not by serial number. Just first time SA built over 12,000 in one month.
Can't give the answer out yet. Give it another try.
That's how we learn.
Thanks again
The question was:
"I am looking for when SA built over 12,000 M1 Garands, not by serial number. Just first time SA built over 12,000 in one month."
The answer to that question is Nov. 1940. "The total number of guns accepted in function firing during the month of November was 12,059.."
I hope this data helps.
Thanks again
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