Marylanders, help Giannetti out

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Mar 10, 2003
OK.....Giannetti was the sole reason that we don't have a new and "improved" AWB in MD this year. The guy has shown sone glaring lapses in judgement in his career, it appears. However, he took the difficult path by coming down on our side earlier in this year. The PG County folks are going to be coming after him in droves when election time comes around so we need to back him at every opportunity.

The Baltimore Sun published the following as an editorial (not LTE as it may initially appear) and managed to take a swipe at him for his opposition to the AWB. You may respond to the Baltimore Sun at letters@baltimore My letter is already in.

>>>>>DEAR MR. Etiquette: State Sen. John A. Giannetti Jr. has been holding tailgate parties at Terrapins home football games with beer and inviting us students to join in. My buds think this is great. Where else can you go and not worry about getting carded? But now I hear that a local city councilman has filed a complaint with the State Ethics Commission. He says our honorary frat brother has "debased his office." Apparently, it's against the law to drink in campus parking lots. Not to mention the fact that you have to be 21. But the senator shot back that college students would never drink in front of his august presence. Man, he's always cracking us up. So what do I have to do to get a job like Senator Giannetti's?

- Wasted in College Park

Dear Wasted: According to Maryland law, you must be at least 25, live in the district you wish to represent and be elected by voters. It does not specify that you have to have good judgment. Mr. Giannetti, who practices law when he's not hosting campus beer bashes, has taken full advantage of this omission.

Others may know Mr. Giannetti from his remarkably inappropriate press release after his honeymoon noting his wife's skimpy bathing attire. And he's becoming a regular before the ethics committee. He got in trouble for sponsoring bills related to the telephone industry when his firm represents telecommunications companies.

And, of course, we can't forget that Mr. Giannetti was the swing vote to kill a proposed state ban on assault weapons last spring - a decision made all the more troublesome by the subsequent expiration of the federal assault weapons ban.

So, Wasted, the lesson here is that pretty much anybody can be a state senator. We can only hope that the average College Park sophomore would aim for a life a little less, well, sophomoric.<<<<
Is the tailgate party stuff just fiction or is there a basis for it? Not that it matters, but if it's a lie maybe Giannetti has grounds for libel. If it is fiction, then the Sun has really sunk to a new low - editorial or not.

There was some tail-gating that occured and I seem to vaguely remember reading something about it in the paper, but dismissed it as not that big of a deal.

Doesn't matter to me....he went to bat for us and I'll do my best to stand by him as much as I can.
You can bet that was written by one of Leah Barrett's cronies to force Gianetti out as they promised they would.

John and his wife are a nice couple, and I can't help to think this is a shameful thing to do to him....even if he is a Democrat :rolleyes:
The story with the tailgates. . .

At UM, Gianetti had been having tailgate parties before home football games, so that he could (as he explained it in his letter to the school paper) interact with his constituents. He also got a local restaurant (Cornerstone) to provide food and got a local liquor store to provide beer, which he maintains he only served to people who were of age. I think the alcohol part may not have been the greatest idea, but I think everything else about his tailgate parties sounds like a good idea and the people making a big deal about drinking alcohol in school parking lots are full of crap, and there's no proof that he did anything illegal (school policy != law). It is in fact a campus policy that you can't drink in school parking lots, but it's completely ignored and never enforced. From they way they talk about it, you'd think the parking lot was dry and Gianetti was the only one with alcohol. Before every home game, there are at least 50 cars/trucks where people are tailgating, and I've never seen tailgaters who didn't have beer.
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