Mas Ayoob's MAG 20 in Tucson.

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Jun 5, 2003
In the past Mas came to Sierra Vista for 4 days to teach his MAG 40 course. This class gave 20 hours on the range firing 500 rounds of ammo. AND 20 hours in the classroom covering the legal issues involved in a defensive shooting.
Because of the amount of time that Mas is spending in court defending both our Civil Rights and individuals who have had to defend themselves and other innocents in self defense and to make the class available to all who want to take it. Mas has divided the course into two parts. He allows only a few of his senior instructors who have attended all of his courses including his advanced instructor course to do the Stress fire Portion of the course. Dan Southard of Gator Farm Tactical is one of the senior instructors who can teach this course. (Denny Hansen of SWAT was kind enough to put a picture of Mr. Southard training with Mas, in the April issue of SWAT) When we have built up a class of 25 or more who have completed the Stress fire portion Mas will come to Tucson for two days to teach the Judicious Use of Deadly Force sessions. That will give the number of hours for the full certificate. We have scheduled Mas to give his portion in November of this year.
We have the first MAG 20 course scheduled at SERP on May 11-12. The class begins at 0900. This course takes 500 rounds of ammo, a good handgun and at least three magazines.

We will offer this class 5 times prior to November. By dividing the course in half it will give folks the ability to pay $400 for one part, the final $400. when Mas gets here.
Go to for more information.
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