Massachusetts Gun Owners Read this!!

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The anti-gun legislatures are emboldened to push more bills due too the presence of the new Dem Governor, Patrick. It is good to fight the good fight here to stop the wildfire spreading to other states. Running away from a fight never won any battles.
MA is doomed. I moved to TX from next door RI 7 years ago and have never looked back. The last handgun I got was a Christmas gift from my son. The whole transaction took about 15 minutes. And it was under the tree and mine soon afterward, as legal as breathing.

I spent years fighting to preserve gun rights in RI. Mostly, it was all for naught. A delaying action at best.

You couldn't drag me back to the Northeast with a team of Clysdales. Life is too short to live it as a second class citizen. Those states would be in the toilet if they weren't milking energy and defense resources from the rest of America.

I feel sorry for the many friends I have in the RI and MA area. For the rest, I say, "Let them rot."
Today is just a hearing, not a vote. I put calls in to my Reps anyway, voicing my opposition to the bills. I spoke to GOAL this AM. GOAL is going to have people there, and will post info tomorrow or Friday.
"It is good to fight the good fight here to stop the wildfire spreading to other states. Running away from a fight never won any battles."

Good luck in the continuing battle against feel good gun control in MA. The mentality of the anti-gun Boston bunch never ceases to amaze me.
The President, through his Solicitor General, has basically said that all of those proposals in Massachusetts would be "reasonable" regulations, aimed at protecting government interests. I don't agree, but the brief that the administration filed would certainly seem to indicate that Bush and his boys would find this Mass. BS to be totally fine with them. But that's for another thread.
and patrick will sign

I told Nancy Snow it must be the water that causes brain damage.up up and away:where did the bill to serialize every cartridge go?where did the gov come from I lived there for 76 ys and never heard of him.
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