MD: Germantown residents take aim at gun club in park

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They have the right to find out about the surrounds before they buy. They should have done there homework first before they bought the house. All I have to say is live with it or get out.:p :rolleyes: cry me a river:(
missing the 800 acre waste treatment plant on the east side of the neigh-boar-hood,
the long distance high tension wires on the west,
and the shotgun range on the south,
requires industrial strength blinders
You know this really burns me:fire: If the gun club was there when they moved in why should the gun club have to close? I know that when I bought my last house I took a ride around the block. If I saw something I did not like I moved on to the next place. But I love the fact that they switched to the children when the lead in the water did not work out for them. Will they try to shutdown the water treatment plant next. I mean how could they buy a house and not know that the gun club was there? It only takes up 100 acers??? :cuss: :banghead: :fire: :rolleyes: I know that they may say "my house is a big envestment and I dont want the gun club to devalue my home or my comfort in living" well you should have done your research before you bought your house!!!! They choswe to live their and the gun club was there before them. If their was not the issue over the agreement with the state we would not be talking about it now. They saw a chance to attack and did. :cuss:
They probably want the club shut down because selling any local homes or property might be difficult with the club still operating.

They were morons for buying a home near an outdoor range and realize any potential homebuyer will look elsewhere for a new home instead of being next to an outdoor range.
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