medieval weapon competitions, exhibitions, etc?

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Feb 1, 2014
Western Kentucky
I have always enjoyed medieval weaponry, and would love to see some of it in action. I don't particularly care to go to a dramatized show or anything of the sort, which is what I would expect from a brick and mortar medieval fair type setup where they would put on a show.i want to see guys actually using their hand crafted battle implements in practice, essentially a medieval range day. I would even be interested in producing scaled models (pickup truck bed portable) just to play with. Are there groups doing this? If so where are they, and when would I be able to find them?

I'm not talking about lances and knights, I'm looking at trebuchet, ballista, catapult, etc. Heavy artillery of the ancient days.
I don't know about groups. I have seen tv shows about replica catapults of various types. But they were one-offs built at considerable expense to prove a point and make a show.
One of the museums in chicago had a great exhibit a couple years ago. It might be a traveling collection somewhere, IDK. Lots of armor and weapons and some models of the siege weapons. I didn't realize how much variation there was in armor of different regions and how different weapons and battle tactics evolved.
Build them yourself if at all possible.

I took a military history class my senior year in HS and we had to build trebuchets capable of launching bowling balls XX number of yards, accurately. It was an awesome experience, and I really learned a lot and gained a new appreciation/respect for the engineers of that time.
I have thought for a long time, if I had a place in the back yard to fire them??

I'd have already filled up the garage with them !!

No joke. You think shooting is fun? Something special about launching a weighty watermelon-sized object in a beautiful arc through the sky and watching it smash into something destructible on the other side.
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