Micro Stamping!

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Jun 14, 2007
CONNECTICUT: Anti-Gun Push Returning for 2008! The 2008 legislative session opened on Wednesday, February 6 and already gun owners, hunters and sportsmen can expect the largest number of anti-gun bills to be considered in years. The Connecticut State Police is lobbying for proposals that would lengthen the process to obtain a handgun permit, a 14-day waiting period before the sale of any long gun (without exemptions for handgun licensees or those with a current hunting license), licensing of all long guns and ban on their private sale or transfer. Connecticut Against Gun Violence will be joining the State Police in its push for a ban on the private sale of long guns as well as pushing for a ban on the sale of semiautomatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology. It is imperative that you call your lawmakers TODAY and tell them that you support the NRA and OPPOSE the new long gun restrictions and licensing scheme and the microstamping proposal. To contact your State Representative, please visit http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/hlist.asp. Contact information for your State Senator can be found at http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/slist.asp.

If it happened in California and its starting to occur in CT none of you are safe. In Tenesee this was even proposed we have to stop this in CT whether you are a resident or not otherwise this will spill over to all the Northeast.
Though I dont agree with it, that is truly quite remarkable how much technology went into the engineering of that little firing pin.

Whats that supposed to mean? Its nothing a bad guy can't file off. Micro stamping would really suck then i'd have to collect all my brass and stock pile it for no apparent reason. Liscensing of long guns no way in hell am i liscensing them so they can take them away i think not. We have to stop this and stop it now the only question is who to specificaly contact?
Even if the technology were reliable . . .
1) Commit a crime with a semi-auto gun
2) Scatter assorted brass of the same caliber picked up at a shooting range
3) Plead not guilty since there is reasonable doubt
4) Walk

5) take a file to the firing pin, obliterating the microstamping
6) replace firing pin with an after-market, non-microstamping firing pin
7) Use a revolver
8) police the brass

Microstamping is nothing but a waste of time and money.
Micro stamping, smart guns, add new weapons to AW list, licensing, registration, require all guns to be locked up so you won't have access, "safety" technololgy, magazine bans, barrel length restrictions, require "arsenal" licenses, outlaw types of ammo, and on n' on 'n on. The Democrats are back. And some anti-republicans, also.

Just arrows to be fired at our gun rights hoping that one will find it's mark and open the door for others.

THE BIG PICTURE: The liberal Democrats don't think we should have any firearms. Check out proposed international firearms restrictions (proposed in the UN) that a Democrat congress combined with a liberal president would happily sign us on to, and which would supercede the US Constitution.

We should react to individual anti-gun proposals same as reacting to the ping pong ball in a table tennis contest, but we can't forget their main goal.
Though I dont agree with it, that is truly quite remarkable how much technology went into the engineering of that little firing pin.

Lots of technology = Lots o'money Who do you think is gonna be paying for that technology, which is owned by one company?
I wonder how many fireings the pins' engraving will last through? 100 rounds? 5000? How much to buy a new, matching ser# pin? What if the pin breaks? How to document a pin change? Note also that this is both a de facto and de jure registration system...
It wont stop here either. Does anyone know what happened to the proposal they made in Tenesee with micro stamping?
Senator Stillman,
I am sending this e-mail to you in direct opposition to the Connecticut State Police position on Micro-Stamping technology, Gun Permits and waiting periods.
As a law abiding citizen and Ct resident, I am appalled at the State Police for taking sides against an otherwise lawful activity, meaning gun ownership and our rights in general.
I feel the State Police should not be allowed to take sides in matters that directly affect citizens rights as a whole.
I sincerely hope you will not vote in favor of this Bill should it reach to your level.
On a side note, I feel the State Police should stick to enforcing laws, not making them. The last time I checked this is not, nor hopefully never will be a Police State!


My letter to my Senator
How much to buy a new, matching ser# pin? What if the pin breaks? How to document a pin change? Note also that this is both a de facto and de jure registration system...
Probably need a FFL and background check to receive a new firing pin :banghead:
Probably need a FFL and background check to receive a new firing pin

And how will one *prove* that the firing pin I am buying is for my own gun unless my own gun is registered? Would it be possible for me to buy a firing pin for someone else's gun (no, it would defeat the purpose of these laws).

As someone else said... microstamping is a defacto gun registration.
This reminds me of some of the early endowments granted to the KGB, and denied to the populous by the socialist USSR. Disarm the people, take complete control.

I wish I could send some of these commie-wanna-be's to live in a real socialist state for a while. I bet 6 months of that, and they will be cured of their disease.

The problem is that these American pseudo-liberals have no clue what it is like to live in a communist state. They drink from the generous fountains of capitalism daily... all the while criticizing it's shortcomings, and preaching their ideologies.

Go live in a socialist country for a while... then decide if your ideologies hold strong.
It also calls for liscensing of all long guns! A preliminary measure in confiscation. CT residents we need to kill this while its still in the wood work; and for you other 2nd amendment lovers need to stand vigilant in your own states and brace for this kind of legislation.
Okay whether a state resident or not I propose all of us blast faxes to Congressmen Christopher Shays. Bridgeport 1-203-579-0771 write something brief the main point is that he see the onslaught of support. Should I post this in activism?
All I have to say is C&R. My firing pin is nearly 50 years old now, I'd like to you put a new pin in there.... But then again, they're going to do what they've done in England eventually and ban non-firing, decomissioned, SIMULATED guns. What's next sticks and stones?
ridiculously pointless. Everything they try to do...

also, how would a UN agreement supercede our constitution? I've been trying to figure that out, and it doesnt make sense. I thought treaties were only valid if they were appropriated to not violate the constitution (or in a case of us forfeiting due to being invaded and beaten in a war like what happened to Germany in both WWs). If they could use that to just get rid of guns, then I wonder what else they could do...
No the U.N. has already tried and failed at that type of thing. George Bush does not even pay the full UN fee anymore; cant blame him for not feeding that socailist black hole.
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