Mods to my SA Milspec

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Jan 16, 2003
Bismarck, ND
Just finished these and wanted to share for those contemplating the same. This milspec was purchased used but unfired. I thought I'd keep it stock, but after firing it I realized I needed a beavertail. This mean't a new hammer also. I ordered an S&A .220 radius beavertail and McCormick hammer from brownells. I bought some washers that measured .442 from the hardware store and a bolt to use as a filing guide.

Following 1911tuner's disassembly instructions go the gun apart quickly. I installed my guide and began filing (nervously). When I got close, I coated the tang with marker, installed the safety and worked it up and down, then filed where the marker was taken off. The fitting took about 1.5 hours. I'll sandblast and parkerize the tang and beavertail just before I gunkote it.

The hammer dropped in and ruined my trigger pull. It took 2 hours moving slow and checking sear and hammer allignment using drill bits as assembly pins to allow the hammer and sear to line up on the outside of the frame. It helped to have a retired GM machinist and his gauges and arkansas stones sitting nearby.

Now I need to get the slide machined for sights, Then a spray on finish and a quick bake should finish the project.

Here are Pics:

Why are you gonna machine the sllide for the sights. Are you replacing them for a more high profile type? I thought about getting a milspec, too, but those sights gotta go!
Great work, hoss. I really like the idea of using washers as a radius guide instead of buying that $50 jig from Brownells!

Work looks clean and professional. Be proud.
Looks like you did a nice job USP, now pick up a Cratex wheel kit for your dremel tool and blend the two together with the grip safety depressed for the 'final touch'. It will damage the finish on both the frame and the safety, but where you are going you will need to finish the gun again anyway. You can meld it into a 'one piece' feel easily from where you are right now.

My prefered beavertails have you machining the frame for a higher handhold as well. Nervous city!!!

You did good bud, keep going!!! None of it is majic, just go slow and check things about 10 times as much as you think is needed! Above all, you have to enjoy it, and show it off at every possible opportunity without disclosing 'who' did the mods, the reactions of others in the know is worth tons. I applaud your efforts and hope you finish this one yourself, there is a certain amount of pride in that and VERY few gun owners will ever even aproximate the pride you will be able to take in your gun. I sold off all of the guns that I built myself when times were getting tight and though I regret it I know I did the right thing. If I could just cure this weird revolver affliction I have right now I could get back to building another 1911 that fit me right ....
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