Movie: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

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Oct 21, 2005
Movie: The Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford

This looks like a really good cowboy movie, has anyone seen it?

Is it worth renting? Or buying?

Is it fast paced with action?

I don't like movies where all of the action is the last 15 minutes. Or movies where there's a little action here or there, but mostly boring.
I saw it in the theaters when it first came out. Its long but very well done, I'll certainly add it to my dvd collection.
Shouldn't that be Jesse, not Jessie? The version with an "i" is usually the feminine form, used by women whose given name is "Jessica." The spelling "Jesse," is the masculine form, for those named after the biblical patriarch, who was the father of King David, and or the outlaw in question.

~~~Mat, whose given name is Jesse.
I only made it 45 minutes before I was too bored to care anymore. I would have toughed it out if the whole thing wasn't over 2.5 hours long.
Damn. I hate movies that are good, but go bad, because there so long.

Why does every movie have to be a dang epic these days?

What happened to an 1 1/2 hrs?????
Okay...Watched it.

The movie is an accurate depiction of the las 6-8 months of James' life, and the events leading up to his death. There's not a lot of action, but it was intended to be a historical account rather than a shoot-em-up in the manner of The Long Riders. If you're a Jesse James historian, you'll enjoy the movie, both for the accuracy and for the hidden messages. It was a sad tale...both for James and for Robert Ford.

The actor who played the role of Bob Ford bore a spooky resemblance to the real character, by the way.

I liked the movie. Others, possibly expecting a rough and tumble western...may not. I imagine that it's one of those films that, when watched a second and third time, will reveal several details that were missed on the first go-' I'll watch it again.
I saw it the other day and really liked it. It's not a movie for people who crave lots of explosions or have a short attention span.
It's not a movie for people who crave lots of explosions or have a short attention span.

That’s rather judgmental of you. Neither of these was my main issue. It was a tedious pedantic movie about dysfunctional characters. It was like a boring history class taught by an uninspired teacher and it added nothing to my understanding of the historical situation. I did not find it entertaining or educational.
I bought a copy and enjoyed it. It's a character study, not an action film, and at 2.5 hours I thought it was a bit long, but recommend it nonetheless.
It was a tedious pedantic movie about dysfunctional characters. It was like a boring history class taught by an uninspired teacher

Well...That was kinda the point. History accurately depicted rather than golorified the way that the Dime Novels of the day told the story. The saga of Jesse James wasn't all ride'em cowboy/shoot'em up/rob the train/split the loot and move on to the next robbery. It was tedious, rough, dangerous, often frightening and pretty much void of any glory or excitement between robberies...which occupied only a small percentage of the whole story. And it was highly likely that dysfunctional people were as commonplace in 1880 as they are today if not moreso.

Reading the historical accounts enables us to make more sense of the movie, and appreciate it more.
I tried to watch it last night, but got bored. I'm not an action movie person. In fact, I enjoy watching old documentaries more than anything. The Ford character was "creepy". Maybe I'm just "homophobic":eek:
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