My case against gun control (real events)

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Jul 5, 2006
Just a warning... this may not seam like it has much to do with guns at first, read on...

Three months ago, credit card fraud occured on my amex. I canceled the card, got my money back, etc. Full damage control. I informed NYPD of the incident, and got a case #, and a detective in Manhattan (I submited all evidence I had, including copies of orders, shipping address, copies of signatures from UPS, everything). Month goes by, nothing happens. So I call the detective... 4 times over the course of 4 weeks, leaving a message EVERY time, nothing happens. I call for the fifth time two days ago (talking with a rather agrevated tone), and again leave a message for the detective, asking to call me the hell back. He calls me back the next day and gives me attitude how come I was not nice when talking to the lady officer the day before and telling me how she has nothing to do with it!!! You believe that?!?!? I get an attitude for being assertive and demanding a call back from people whos paychecks happen to come from my state and city taxes!!! Anyways, so I ask how's my case going? He tells me it got reasigned to another detective in Queens (for reasons of me never loosing the card etc). Geee, I should have know that I guess. I mean, it's not like the detective from Manhattan could have called me back all those times and told me. Anyways, so I call the detective in Queens, and check this out! Some lady picks up the phone, I tell her I'm calling to talk to detective XYZ, and my case # is 123. She brings it up on a computer (btw, the detective handling the case is nowhere to be found) and says that I did in fact get my money back so why am I calling?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I say to her that there is a criminal on a loose, stealing people's money!!! She tells me that "well, it is difficult to track criminals when they commit an internet crime". I'm sure it is, especially when you know the address they're shipping to, and have copies of actual signatures and USP shipping and package tracking details!!!

Well done NYPD!

So here's the point: why should I trust and give monopoly on deadly force to a small group of people (NYC cops, aka part of government), when I can't even trust them with calling me the hell back?!?!? Am I supposed to believe that when the need arises, a hero will step up from withing the ranks of NYPD and save my life?!?!? And I am certain there are great heroes working for NYPD (many of them died in the line of duty, like 9/11, and they get my highes respect), but just the fact that incidents like mine happen should speak for itself. Not everyone in the police force is a hero willing to save you! You are your first line of defense! And any government depriving you of your right to self defense is, well, evil!:fire:

BTW, everyone knows it's harder to find a legal handgun in NYC, than it is to find illegal WMD in Iraq, right?

P.S. Someone needs to challenge NYC in court about their hand gun licensing fraud scheme. On the other hand, if it goes before some loony lib judge... never mind, there is no hope for NYC.
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I think you're preaching to the choir here.

Order a pizza
Call for a cab
Call a tow truck
Dial 911

Who responds first ?

I left the Rotten Apple back in '75, I never went looked back.
General agreement.

I called 911 (Las Cruces, NM) several years ago, to tell them that someone was attempting to kick in my front door. No officer ever came to my door. A police car drove down my street 30 minutes after the call, but no one even checked to see if we had survived the attempted home invasion.

The door held, and the bad guys (there were at least 2) left on their own.

You are the only one who sees your well-being as the top priority, so self-defense, instead of waiting for someone to come and help you, makes a lot of sense.

Dirty Bob
:mad: It wouldn't matter to me if 911 response was 5 minutes, the police solved 100% of their cases, and the DA had a 100% conviction rate... when SHTF, there's not going to be anyone there to defend me but ME. :banghead:

I am unwilling to abdicate responsibility for my safety to _anyone_.
It's triage. Non-violent crimes drop far down the list of priorities for resources. More resources means that they could have more people to have more time to get to these sort of things. Of course if they'd reallocate resources from drugs and vice to theft perhaps the public would be served better.:banghead:
Ok then... :uhoh:
I'm not sure why anyone would expect the police to respond given current court rulings... they have zero obligation to you and I; they know it, the courts know it and I hope that you know it as well... I'm sure you've realized it by now.

As for challenging the NYC gun laws... like all gun laws, they might have been sold to the public in the names of public safety etc. but really, you and I know that those laws are in place to eliminate or neutralize anyone with some degree of control, thus placing their lives in the hands of the political machine.

A few laws are worth living by. Too many laws are oppressive and only serve a few in good stead. Like those in power. See following link...

Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it? :rolleyes:
There was an announcement made this last Spring, local papers covered it, that our county was so tight on funds that property theft/damage cases would not be prosecuted. I'm guessing the rest of the country is in about the same boat, they just haven't made it public.
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