My new Question

Would you as a law abiding citizen peacfully hand your firearms over to the powers th

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 63 100.0%

  • Total voters
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Aug 9, 2008
Northwestern Missouri
Ok I now know I have to keep the Political jargon to a minimum. So my question is more of a poll. would you as a good American citizen hand over your fire arms peacefully to the powers that be.
A: Why is this in rifle country, (???) and
B: this has been discussed allready. Most lilkly no. But then, i highly doubt that anyone around me would, it is redneck heaven, and no one would care enough to make sure i did....
when this poll is about finished, somebody needs to figure out a way to get it to "the powers that be" so they know it will be the beginning of a new civil war if they try it!
i said no but who really knows if they will if/when they cross that bridge(hopefully never happens again), I dont recall any police being shot when they consficated firearms during Katrina. And they consficated 1000's of firearms from hundreds of people(i recall ~1500 from ~300-500 people)
I can't answer that question. I have no idea what I would do. Do I want to risk my family's life with a Ruby Ridge style stand off? They killed the man's wife.

Most likely a ban would work like this. First a public amnesty period where we are told to turn them in. After a period of weeks or months they would start raiding homes of known firearms owners. We are talking 4am drug war style raids on peoples homes. In that case most people would either be dead or in cuff's before they even woke up. The raids would be on the evening news in order to scare honest folks into turning in more of their "illegal" weapons.

They could never remove all the guns. That's impossible. However, if you ever used an illegal gun it would be the end of life as you know it. All gun owners would be criminals treated no differently than drug dealers.

The entire process would be incremental and take years happen. They can only move at a pace that the public will allow. This means they have to let their propaganda outlets work their course on changing public opinion. Right now the target is "Black Weapons". When those are banned the attention will be turned to all semi-auto weapons. When those are gone then they go after all the pistols. After that single shot rifles and shotguns.

We will probably see laws that allow gun ownership but the weapon has to be stored in a government armory. I would put the time frame for full implementation at 8 to 10 years. Various "incidents" involving weapons' crimes may sway the public enough that they can move that time frame forward.
Who said anything about disobedience?

I answered "no" because I have great confidence in my ability to foresee that sort of thing coming down the pike. I'd sell most of my guns justintime and at great profit to those planning to stockpile them. A few favorite remainders might get entrusted by gift or indefinite bailment to a friend without my knowledge of their location or right of return. Accordingly, from a legal standpoint I would have no guns to turn in.

I'm also rather forgetful and tend to lose things in the woods, but that's a different discussion.
OP Question: would you as a good American citizen hand over your fire arms peacefully to the powers that be.

So if you say no you will not hand over your firearms, are you obeying the law?

I'll need to learn sailing around that time... Those boating accidents and all... ;)
"Till Death Do us Part"

If something like this started to Happen, I would shurly hope that all gun owners would stand in Unison
and fight for your Right.
What I like to consider when there's an overdose of Paranoia Pills in silly threads like this is the fun of going to court. "Takings". Think "takings". Fifth Amendment and all that. "Just compensation". The price gets approved by a jury. Remember courts? Juries?

Anybody really, really think that "they" are just gonna "pass a law" to actually take property away from lawful owners? Come to your house and search'n'grab, just because they don't like what you own?

How many of you have ever written a polite and courteous snail-mail letter to a Congressman? Expressing your views on any issue? Telling him/her where your campaign contributions will go in, say, 2010? If that sort of thing is not part of your deal, then quit wasting bandwidth here.

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