National Geographic on polar bears

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Of course Polar bears will eat you. Every thing else they eat tastes like fish. To them we probably taste like chicken.
I expect anything and predatory to eat me if it can, with killer whales perhaps excepted.

I eat meat, and I accept the reality of the situation. This is how the world is.

JShirley said:
I eat meat, and I accept the reality of the situation. This is how the world is.


Polar Bears, guns, nukes, women... Whenever you quit RESPECTING THEM you get killed.

Wheeler44 said:
Of course Polar bears will eat you. Every thing else they eat tastes like fish. To them we probably taste like chicken.

I believe some South American Cannibals call us "long pig".

Well, if you define "on the brink" as doubling in number in the last 30 years, you might have something, there.
This is what I love about you guys.

You guys get "IT".

It is so enjoyable to exchange ideas with people who actually think before they speak.

What a refreshing group of people!:)

Then there is this guy........

Well, I'm guessing that polar bears and other significant predatory animals attack us because we have invaded their space, much like we would attack them if the rolls were reversed. That, and they're hungry. I can't say as I blame them and the conservationist in me would err on the side of NOT killing a polar bear or shark unless it was necessary. One other point is that I believe that due to human expansion and exploration of the world, combined with destruction of the animals' natural food sources (through pollution, expansion, etc.) often causes animals to hunt humans or enter into human communities. There is a lot of empirical evidence to show that polar bears are suffering due to global warming and their population is on the brink....

Oh, and if you don't want to get attacked by a polar bear or shark, stay out of their territory!

A couple of things here that should be mentioned.

One. Polar bears numbers are on the increase and have been for sometime.

Two. Polar bears have no natural enemy's they are the top of their food chain.

Three. Polar bears are almost exclusively carnivorous especially when on the ice floes. THEREFORE any thing that moves is a prey animal and a polar bear will naturally come to investigate and if given the chance will kill and eat the moving thing. In their environment they don't have the luxury of passing on a potential meal.

Four. The last time I checked there hasn't exactly been a huge human population shift to the arctic regions or to polar bear habitat in general. ESPECIALLY not to the feeding ground of the polar ice floes. So the comment about humans expanding into their habitat is pretty much a lead zepplin. The Inuit people of the world have however been dealing with polar bears for multiple millennium and if you take the time to read any of their folk lore you'll see that polar bears have been chomping people for as long as people have been living in polar bear territory tens of thousands of years that is.
I love how they try to find (human caused) excuses as to why bears/sharks/mountain lions are attacking people. Truth is we are food to them, just like any other animal is food to them. Sometimes they act like if the animal realised you were a human they'd be like "oh, nevermind, I won't eat YOU!!"

+1, cracks me up and makes me shout at the tee vee screen - how about, "Because we're FOOD!"? Not only are we food, if unarmed, we are an excellent target. Extremely slow, soft outer layer, no claws, minimal teeth. Good meal choice. Only the gun and the animals' learning about our possession of same, has kept us mostly safe in the last few hundred years.

So does that make us the other, other white meat?
In defense of National Geographic, they did mention that these might be young bears traveling down a path to the sea on which they would normally not meet people, which is a non-environmental explanation. Plus, I loved that "appropriately armed" statement.
If I recall, the re-enactment scene did make a point of showing the two young ladies turning down the suggestion of a firearm at the outfitter shop before they went on their trek. I was actually a bit surprised the show would even implicitly suggest that being unarmed was a huge mistake (which of course it was). I guess I'm just so used to TV portraying the armed as paranoid, unnecessarily carrying deadly weapons when everyone knows all you need is pepper spray and little bells on your shoes, ad nauseam.
Yeah, just talk to them, bears are smart. Just like my favorite comedy actor in "Grizzly Man."
I think I saw the same episode. When they showed the reenactment they showed some wheel gun. I don't remember what it was and honestly I didn't pay too much attention. But it looked like at least a large frame .38 and more like a .357. It was only later that they said he shot it with a .22 no wonder it didn't work.
polar bears and other significant predatory animals attack us because

. . . they are capable of rational thought. Sorry, but I don't buy in to Disney philosophy. I think not & H&H stated it very well. Humans are slow, soft on the outside & crunchy on the inside, and represent a meal of protein to the top-dog, North American, land predator. Granted that if you avoid their territory, you stand little chance of an encounter, however if you enter their range, you had best be prepared for a "what if" scenario. Simply put, polar bears are predators; unarmed humans are nothing more than land-borne, pathetically-helpless seals. Either take an adequate gun or bring warm scuba gear and stay by a breathing hole. But feel free to hug them . . . they'll "hug" you right back, and with a sincerity fostered by survival in a harsh land.
Disney caused two generations of people to grow up thinking animals dance and sing, and are cute, cuddly and loveable...even carnivorous ones...and then people wonder why they insist on killing and eating like the carnivores they are!
I love how they try to find (human caused) excuses as to why bears/sharks/mountain lions are attacking people. Truth is we are food to them, just like any other animal is food to them. Sometimes they act like if the animal realised you were a human they'd be like "oh, nevermind, I won't eat YOU!!"

Yep, +20. Toss in gators if you swim with 'em.

Predators do weigh potential danger against reward. If you look like you could hurt them, they might.......MIGHT.....(no guarantees) back down. I suspect this is why black bears don't normally attack humans and live well amongst human populations. If you go swimmin' with the gators, though, expect you might get bit. Same with sharks. You are definitely not a threat in THEIR environment.

For the "human encroachment on polar bear territory" theory, if you like the -40 degree weather on an ice pack enough to move there, not me, take enough gun! Personally, I ain't movin' out there. Sea ice is hard to till and I don't think okra wil grow well in it.
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