New AR Break-in

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Jun 13, 2003
Would appreciate hearing any advice on break in for a new unfired AR. Heard - clean, fire one round, clean - 5 times. Then clean, fire 5 rounds, clean - 5 times, before regular use. (Any recommendations on products too would be helpful too) Thanks.
I've was told by couple people at the range that in a new unfired AR there's usually metal particle residue left from the mfg process in the barrel and that even these small particles can effect accuracy if you don't follow a cleaning break in process.
Remove the oil impregnated cardboard from the barrel, punch bore with clean patch (once), lube the rifle to the specs in the -10, take it to the range, point rifle in safe direction, lock and load one magazine of the capacity of your choice. Have fun :D

If your rifle has a mil-spec chrome lined bore all the fancy break in methods will just slow you down and waste your time.

I use nothing but CLP on my ARs,

taoshooter - Wow! Listening to advice from guys at the range is almost as bad as listening to advice from the internet. ;)

Check the archives here and check them on

This issue has been discussed at length in both places. Read it all and make up your mind. Or, clean the rifle thoroughly, lubeit with some CLP or FP1-0 and go shooting. Either way would be fine.
It will have been test-fired at least a few times at the factory, and they darn sure don't do a fancy shoot-clean routine there.
Ok. First you want to get 13 eggs.

Now seperate the yokes from the whites.

Swab the WHITES down the barrel, and the YOLK down the lower receiver. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT SWITCH THE YOLKS WITH THE WHITES!

Sprinkle with flower.

Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes, untill you see hot white bubble out of the crown.

Serve with beer.


Just go shoot the damn thing.
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