New DC crime reduction plan working! DC Police order hundreds of boxes of wine...

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Feb 7, 2007
Gillikin Country
also several cases of cheese and a dozen more therapists.

I was going to post this in S&T but was afraid it would not get the attention it deserves.

See - Hugs do work

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Police on Capitol Hill are baffled by an attempted robbery that began with a handgun put to the head of a 14-year-old girl and ended in a group hug.
It started around midnight on June 16 when a group of friends was finishing dinner on the patio of a District of Columbia home, authorities and witnesses said. That's when a hooded man slid through an open gate and pointed a handgun at the girl's head.

The intruder had a sip of their Chateau Malescot St-Exupery and said, ''Damn, that's good wine.''
The girl's father, Michael Rabdau, 51, told him to take the whole glass, and Rowan offered him the bottle. The would-be robber, with his hood down, took another sip and a bite of Camembert cheese and put the gun in his sweatpants.
Then the story got even more bizarre.
The man with the gun apologized, the witnesses told the Post.
''I think I may have come to the wrong house,'' he said. ''Can I get a hug?''
Rowan stood up and wrapped her arms around the man and the four other guests followed.
I haven't finished my coffee yet. What's the epilogue to this then--does the street punk thus fortified by (elitist lefty) wine, cheese and warmfuzzy mend his ways? Does he move in with the fourteen year-old he assaulted?
The moral of the story:

Its much better the the person putting a gun to your daughter's head is a wine affectionio. After this is all over, we can share a Pinot Grigio.

Actually, I have no idea what the moral of the story is. I imagine the people were terrified and would do anything the wine-drinking mugger said. It will probably be a while before they realize how freaking stupid this mugger was.

And on a side-note, I do like wines. :)

-- John
I kept waiting for "Then the would be victims shot the intruder."

I feel sorry for the next house that only has screw-top Ripple and Cheezits.
Maybe they need to ban wine, cheese, and hugs...
All of those are dangerous, think of the children!
Wine-drunk drivers
Cheese-many mice and heart attack victims have suffered because of evil assault cheese
Hugs-some people think that hugging strangers or worse yet other's children is ok. And assault hugs are very dangerous! You can hug as fast as you can move your arms, and as many hugs as you want-no limit!

-Think of the Children.
A bizarre case indeed!

I would have offered him wine too. Better that than lose a kid. When he asked for a hug, he would have gotten one - a bear hug, followed by being rat packed, then disarmed and then something that would make him wish the police would get there real fast.
These people must be punished! After all, they had alcohol in the presense of a 14 year old - somebody could have been hurt!
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