New Way To Avoid A Firefight

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:shakinghead: That's unfortunate and obviously the work of some community policing/social worker/PR (birds of a feather) type.
One could also look at the glass as half full and conclude that the cops in Wabash don't believe they have anything to fear from folks knowing their names and faces.

It's only a recent developement brought on by the HSLD guys that police think they have to hide their identities and wear masks all the time. Undercovers, yes. The average cop working a beat and cruising the roads on patrol, no. Now we're all spooled up because her picture is out and about? Sorry, not concerned. Here in Ohio, there are billboards on the RT 23 corridor showing the names and faces of the officers in charge of drug enforcement on the corridor. Same guys on the billboards for several years now, they've obviously not been killed by lowlifes. Hopefully won't be, either. There was a time not so long ago when we the population thought it our right and responsibility to know who our public servants were and are. Now those same people feel the need to hide behind masks?

I for one am glad the PD involved thinks enough of it's officers to give them the recognition they deserve and the people a look at who they are policed by. Mutual recognition and respect goes a long way. Walls between the two communities (LEO vs non-LEO) makes for diviciveness and animosity.
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