Not *all* Hip-Hop is bad! - A note to THR

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Linux&Gun Guy

Sep 4, 2003
Just outside Richmond,VA
I have noticed a trend here to talk about hiphop and rap music and how it is playing a part in the thug culture of random violence and general stupidity. This is all true and in fact most hip hop is retarded and very violence.

However not all hiphop is like that - I didn't know this until just a week ago myself . There is a small segment of underground hiphop that calls themselves Anticon. A subgroup that is named Subtle produces some very interesting music. The lyrics are much more like Pink Floyd or similar then the stupid and violent lyrics we all expect hiphop to contain. The beat and sound and sampling is fresh and creative in this new form of hiphop. Busdriver is another underground hiphop person I have come to like.

So let it be known that a very small percentage of hiphop is good music and worthy of respect.
In the last discussion I was involved in I mentioned one particular rap group doing something along these lines, the Black Eyed Peas. I was aware that there was a movement like this afoot. There have been individual rappers doing just one song at a time here and there..."Gangster's Paradise" by Coolio was an example trying to strip the "glory" out of the "thug life" years ago.

People who connect at least somewhat with the "old west" culture often wear turquoise/silver Native American accessories...that developed in the early/mid 20th century as a way of rejecting the formerly genocidal elements of that culture. So cultures/subcultures can and do reform from within, keeping the better bits and discarding stuff that doesn't make sense. It happens slowly but it does happen if allowed to happen. The people within the culture have to be able to take responsibility for and control over their own destinies.

In the case of the "hip hop culture" that's being blocked by paternalistic state policies including welfare, zoning, educational spending, the "war on (some) drugs" and gun control.
Hip hop/rap is not music. It's an abomination. It's right down there with Mexican accordian music and Barry Manillow.
I'd rather be subjected to the Archie's "Sugar Sugar" and that's enough to make a man want to commit sideways.
I'd rather eat the ass out of a dead moose than listen to rap.
Getting my nose hairs plucked would be a more pleasant experience.
I'd rather spend the day with my second Mother in law.


Black eyed peas indeed, maybe you're too young to remember de la Soul, A Tribe called Qwest, Mos Def, Monie Love, Arrested Development, Jurrassic 5, Quannum, Digible Planets, Stereo MCs........Listen carefully to the lyrics of Public Enemy and Tupac Shakur too and you might be surprised, much of it is sincere and thoughtful, not just the "guns, drugs and ho-s" that you might assume. Though, being libertarian leaning, I'm not fundementally against any of those either.
true enough hiphop abounds with cautionary tales that no one abides,and eminem never met a literary hook in a high school lit book he did'nt like
I will believe that hiphop/rap is "music" when any one of it's "artists" is able to accurately tell me the KEY their songs are in.

Maybe it's poetry with a soundtrack...but not Music. Music is played by "musicians" and that requires a certain set of skills not possessed by any hip-hop/rap artists. Obviously they're too lazy to spend the time and energy it takes to become a musician.
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