And with all due respect ColoradoMinuteMan, your previous experience with the FPD notwithstanding, your stating that I was “...walking into a public place, gun-in-hand...” is a mischaracterization of what took place.
I could have walked in, literally gun-in-hand, WITH my finger on-the-trigger, pointing/aiming at the dude...but had the pistol, ‘covered up’, in a pair of my underwear, (uh, and...TRUST me; no one wants to see that!) and the guy would have been perfectly happy.
You & some others seem to not take notice of the fact that the other 2 shops I walked in to, didn’t bat-an-eye. I’ve never stated it was an ‘ideal’ situation, but the other 2 shops seemed to have understood that the only safer way for me to have taken the pistol in uncased, was to have brought it in disassembled. Had I been taking it in to a Big-5 or some other “sporting goods” store, rather than an actual “gun store”, I would have understood the guy’s reaction.