Ol' Jesse taking his antigun message to Britain

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"Those guns to not emanate from impoverished areas, they end up there because they are a target market," Jackson told a central London press conference.

"We need to know where the guns are coming from ... and who is profiting from them. That is critical to security and stability."

Well, we can't figure out where the drugs are coming from and who's profiting from them. We do know that many come from South America and arrive here through Central America and Mexico. We sure can't seem to stop it however. In England, they have a war on guns, similar to our war on drugs. They will lose. The black market has been installed and it's there to stay as long as they keep their laws making most guns, especially handguns, illegal. The main difference between the war on guns and the war on drugs is that illicit drugs are not very useful for self defense or defense of community, state or nation if the poop hits the rotating air movement device.
Please note my reluctance to keep the Reverend Jesse Jackson in U.K. We already have enough of his type of our own. As for our firearms laws? Described as Draconian and the strictest in Europe and all to no avail.
If they 'know' where these guns are coming from, surely they can simply set a sting and.. oh yeah RIGHT it's Jesse Jackson. Wonder if he's going to stand at the Holland & Holland gunroom in Harrods and mention 'snuffing out' those who supply £70,000 double rifles in .456 Toff Express to inner city kids...
Could it be that he's seeking greener pastures?

I didn't really mean grass either. Cash comes to mind.

Maybe Jesse has realized that people are getting wise to his game here in the US.
Except for the utility value of each (which is never a simple as it seems), the War on Guns and the War on Drugs is the very same issue. It's a matter of telling people what they may or may not do with their property.
The WOD is a sterling example of government not learning from the past, as Prohibition taught nearly everyone else.
Guns, Drugs, Freon... ban it, punish people for it, make it harder to get... it becomes fabulously profitable as the risk levels go up. So, you hand an entire industry over to the elements who are most likely to trade risk for profit.
There will be gun cartels, gun smugglers (and already are), and even more violations of the Bill o' Rights as the police try to fight this 'War'.
Just like with drugs, and before it, alcohol.
a true shakedown artist and huckster. Somehow, someone is paying him to go to GB. He does not do this for any reason except to shake down some company or government. He must be running out of sheep here to fleece.

Unfortantly that happens alot of times when they send people to preach to the evil heathens of the UK. Its bad enough the junk they have here in the US. We kicked them out the country once already.
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