Oleg Volk Inspired posters

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I like them i like them all. Keep them coming

the best so far is of the girl holding the double barrel shot gun. When a sexual predator breaks in at 3am call 911 and remind them to bring chalk
The adjustable sight was aimed at gunowners, some of the other posters (for example, britian one that I have a mispelling in) is aimed at the general public.

The Poem as well is aimed at the general public.
Hey, good stuff! These are very good...:)

And yes, the new font works well with that "elevation" poster. Keep 'em comin'...
"the best so far is of the girl holding the double barrel shot gun. When a sexual predator breaks in at 3am call 911 and remind them to bring chalk"

Agreed, with a caveat. There is no way for the girl to know the person breaking in is a sexual predator. The wording, while exciting, is illogical. The person breaking in IS an intruder, so just say that.

"When an intruder breaks in at 3 am, call 911 and remind them to bring chalk."

Short, sweet, to the point. It doesn't matter why the intruder is there, just that he (she?) IS there, and will probably remain there for the rest his life. (Albeit in scattered bloody pieces)
"When an intruder breaks in at 3 am, call 911 and remind them to bring chalk."
It might be just me, but I think this is a bit too graphic for non-gunowners. It will be seen as pro-gun people think it's ok to kill anyone that comes throuh the door, no matter what circumstances.
There is a difference between killing someone and stopping a threat, even if the result might be the same, and since this is propaganda type posters, it's important how it comes across to people other than those allready on the same side.
I think the idea must be to show a situation that people can identify with, and let them consider possible outcomes.

I'd think it would be better with something like this:
"When an intruder breaks in at 3 am, call 911 and tell them you'll hold..."
"If 911 tells you to hold, can you make an intruder hold too?"
"When an intruder breaks in at 3 am, how will you have time to call 911...?"

They leave a bit more to the imagination, and let the viewer draw his/hers own conclusions.
I don't have imaging software, but how about this image and message. The message is one we all hear and say, and this is how I would visually present it to the world.


Front door, seen from the inside.
Opened as far as the security chain will allow.
Splintered frame and busted lock.
Black-gloved hand reaching through to undo the security chain.


"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

Alternate image....

Front door (one of those with the fancy glass insets). You can see it is dark outside.
Glass broken near the handle-side of the door.
Anonymous gloved hand reaching through the glass and grasping the dead-bolt.

Same caption.

Now, on that last one, I know those kinds of doors are not real great from a security standpoint, but the power of the image is in how MANY people, especially suburb-types living in newer homes, have doors just like that.

Anyone with photoshop or the like wanna take a crack at it?
It's the photo I don't have, nor access to an image library where I might find one.

The image / message combination is all in my head so far.
The problem with some of these these posters, (and some of Oleg's too,) is that they are geared to those who already know about firearms. For instance, the one that shows the adjustable sight wouldn't mean anything to someone who didn't know what they were looking at. As a subjective piece, these posters have to speak to a greater number of the uninformed public. We gunnies in the know can sit back and say "Hey, that's great!" while those who don't know will be walking away scratching their heads. If the intent of these posters is to inform the uninformed, then they need to be more universal.

For example, I remember one of Oleg's that showed the same woman three times. In one shot she had nothing, in one shot she had pepper spray, and in one shot she had a gun. The caption at the bottom read "If you were a rapist, which victim would you choose?" (I'm drawing off of a hazy memory here, so feel free to correct me if I got it wrong.)

A poster like that speaks to a much bigger crowd. The average uninformed sheeple will look at it and think to themselves, "Well, I SURE wouldn't mess with the chick with the gun..." And so the message gets through.

When designing, always remember to think of your true target audience. Who are they, will they "get it", will it speak to them, and will they remember it. Keep the pics recognizable, and remember to keep the wording short and sweet. Too much wording bores people, they stop reading it, and your message is lost. Don't be afraid to say what you mean. If some get offended by it, oh well. If EVERYBODY gets offended by it, then you may need to revise it. Some offense is good, it makes people remember. Too much offense is bad, it makes people remember AND hate you/your organization/your message. Lastly, if you're trying to get through to the uninformed/anti crowd, STAY AWAY from the Molon Labe/2A stuff. Most will write you off as a ignorant redneck and file your message away in the "forget about it" file. Or worse, the "That ticks me off, I'm gonna prove them wrong." file. Reason is a stranger to an angry man.
I think you're putting too much thought into this. Whether someone "knows" about firearms or not is not that complicated of a concept. They either see a gun and think "eek, dangerous" or they think of the person that might carry it and want to have one of their own, if they decided to try and get cute (i.e. stupid). Oleg is the poster master, no doubt, but we can have our fun without getting over laborious in thought about a poster :p
Of course I put a lot of thought into this. Its what I do for a living. :) Oleg's work is good, but even he needs to work on some things, we all do. If the original poster poster :))) did not want others to critique his work, then why did he post it? I offered constructive criticism with an experienced eye. What ever is done with that info is up to him.

"but we can have our fun without getting over laborious in thought about a poster"

To paraphrase King Solomon, "Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do thy doggondest."
As the OP, I don't mind the constructive criticism. The "how high you.." was intended to gun owners, as while witty, only a gun owner would get it. Other ones like the poem was designed for general use.
My 5-second photoshops were just meant to make a few people grin in this thread, not be put up on a billboard...
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