On being prepared...

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Mar 19, 2012
Ok, this is not firearm related, so if this is inappropriate fro THR, or the S,T&T section, moderators, feel free to move/close at your discretion.

I was driving earlier today and approached a notoriously busy intersection. As I get a few cars from my turn to go through, a newer pick-up truck pulls into the middle of the intersection and stops. He stays there for a minute as cars begin to sneak by. As I get closer, I see his window roll down, but he diligently stays put in the drivers seat. As I get my turn to go through, it's obvious that his truck has stalled, and he's sitting dead in the water...

But what if his truck would have stalled 30 feet back, leaving him stalled on the railroad tracks?

Luckily I was driving my truck today, and had a tow-strap and chain with me. In just a few minutes, we had his truck out of the intersection, and traffickers were left without a reason to fuss...

It turns out, he worked just a block away, and had simply run out to grab a bite, less than two miles down the road. Surely, trouble comes when we least expect it...


So now I need to buy tow-straps for two more vehicles, in case one of them were to ever stall on me, but that's just one scenario. What if this happened at night - would I have a flashlight, emergency triangle and flares? What if there were a medical emergency - do I know how to help someone until help arrives?

Certianly we can play the "What if?" game until were blue in the face, but are we really prepared to face a non-violent troubling situation?

Fortunately, through my job, I have had some "first responder" training in first aid and such. Now, I'm no EMT, but I could probably phone 911, do chest compressions, or stop some bleeding until the help arrives. But, am I always, prepared by having my gear with me?

Anyway, I guess I'm writing just to share the day's lesson and stir the pot a bit. It certianly has me thinking where I need to step up my game and better prepare. Hopefully so, before it's too late, and I'm forced to do without when I may need it most.
Yeah, I got all that stuff in my Xterra. Snatch strap, 12 volt tire pump, fire extinguisher, flares, major first aid kit, shovel, Woodman's Pal, two gallons of water, duffle bag with extra clothes. Oh. And a Glock 23 and a Mil Surp .308 carbine.
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