Oregon CHL holders

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Nov 6, 2005
I just got a note in the mail from my local sheriff, Rob Gordon, regarding the privacy of your CHL data. The letter mentioned how Jackson County's sheriff refused to turn over the CHL holder list to the local media.

The Sheriff's argument is that people get CHL licenses for security purposes, therefore the information should be kept private. And identity theft being the problem, the public should not have access to certain data. The media's argument is that people do NOT attain a CHL for security.

The first question was whether or not I attained a CHL for security, answered yes.

The other question was relating to whether or not, I, as a CHL holder, wanted my information kept private. Again, I checked yes.

All CHL holders of oregon please chime into your local Sherriff's and make these statements clear. As the CHL holders, we need to be heard that this information is to be kept private, by law.

I recall the Jackson county incident and posted a couple threads at the time. I went so far as to contacting the sheriff and thanking him for taking the privacy position and refusing to disclose the information. I contacted several local and state representatives and NRA. Some NRA folks got back to me and Bruce Starr stated there was a plan to initiate a bill to keep it private.

That's the last I heard a little over a year ago on this topic. Now this letter, there has been some movement and it appears that cases are being built now. Please help the caus and let your Sheriff know your preference. Give them the data now if they haven't asked for it already.

The entire legal purpose for obtaining a CCW is for "defense." The rules of engagement in Oregon are specific for the use of a firearm for "defense." There's no other reason to carry one concealed.

The rationale for the CCW is so you can carry without informing the public that you're armed. This same confidentiality needs to extend to those who hold the CCW. The whole purpose is defense and security -- which relies on confidentiality.
Multnomah County Sheriff Bob Skipper sent out a similar letter dated January 2, postmarked (at least mine) January 9, with requirements to have the letter and form returned NO LATER than January 12 (Monday). Glad I was around this weekend!

I'm faxing mine in this afternoon. If you're in Multnomah County, CHECK YOUR MAIL!
Klamath County Sheriff also sent them out. I have an appointment to apply for CCL in Umatilla County this week. Will be interesting to see if they have a form available for me to request privacy at that time...
WA county had the form available on line. I signed up a few months ago. It turns out that this was all started by a couple that wanted all of our names and addresses for their mailing list. So they say. F them.
For those in Josephine County, don't expect the SD to mass mail these letters. I talked with them after seeing this post, and they confirmed that they have the form available, but each individual CHL holder will have to go to their civil department and fill it out there.
Umatilla County

Yesterday I applied for my permit in Umatilla County, Oregon. Their new and improved application form has a page with the privacy questions used in the various sheriff's letters.
i never recived a letter in marion county but we signed on the sheriffs web site to please not allow our info out
I use to live in Jackson County and signed the paperwork and sent it in to the Sheriff's office, when I moved up to Clackamas County I also did the same when I changed my CHL from Jackson to Clackamas county.
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