Please help me identify this nice M-16 accessory.

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Flame Red

Mar 13, 2006
The other night I was watching the movie Predator for the 50 millionth time. I happened to notice a cool little accessory that 'Billy' had on his M-16 - a nice little shot gun on the bottom accessory rail.

I am assuming this is a Hollywood prop and no such item exists. But I wanted to check the experts here and see if something like this might be available to us mortals?


Is this setup available?
i think, no,i'm sure, i'd rather just tote some extra loaded AR mags than that thing and necessary ammo.:scrutiny:
but "predator" is definately one of those movies you can see over and over !!
The one in your picture is a Mossberg as far as I can tell.

There were a couple of M-4s in the arms room where I used to work (.mil) which had cut-down 870s on them. Most muzzle-heavy suckers you'd ever want to put your hands on.

Trust me, if you ever picked one up you'd want nothing else to do with it. It looks kewl as kewl can be but in reality, forget it. The Army has been experimenting with a lightweight attachment (XM-26 MASS and the LSS) to do the breaching job- which is mostly what it's for- without all the extra weight. See .

Question, the 40mm buckshot ambush buster load for the M79 grenade launcher. Was that ever carried over or issued after the M240 replaced the M79?
There have been manufacturers selling attachment systems for your pump shotty for over 25 years. It is not 'new', and it is not NFA territory (unless you just HAVE to have a short shotty attached under your AR15).
Question, the 40mm buckshot ambush buster load for the M79 grenade launcher. Was that ever carried over or issued after the M240 replaced the M79?

I think you mean the M203, as the M240 is the 7.62 GPMG, and yes, I believe the M576 Buckshot round is still an issue item.
Although that's appears to be a Mossberg in the above picture, from the Remington site:

The buck shot is not a standard load issue for the M203 but it is available. If you have to carry the extra weight the 203 is a much better deal than a 12 gauge pump. The weapon is much more capable.

But what about that personal mini-gun? That would be the gun to have. Although I never could figure how one man humped that thing and all the ammo.
But what about that personal mini-gun? That would be the gun to have. Although I never could figure how one man humped that thing and all the ammo.

Yeah, he must have had huge battery with him too.;)

Looking at that last picture, it appears the 870 is mounted way too low for the 30 round magazine to be used as a pistol grip.

I wonder how akward it is to pump the shotgun.

Are those Remingtons 3+1 or 2+1?
The gun in the movie appears to be a Mossberg because it is a Mossberg.
You can get conversions for the Mossberg 500 or the Remington 870.

I believe J.A. Ceiner did the conversion for the Movie and the original Class lll weapon was for sale at a shop called LongMountain Outfitters.
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