Police groups that suported AWB sunset?

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Deep Blue

Jun 20, 2003
One of the editors at my school paper wrote an editorial on the AWB sunset. She mentioned that the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, and the Fraternal Order of Police all wish for the ban to continue. Are there any police organizations that supported the sunset? I'd like to write a response to the editors, but want to gather a few facts first.
Law Enforcement Alliance of America was against the ban from the beginning. Fraternal Order of Police obviously didn't care much about the ban sunset because they unanimously endorsed Bush.

Police chiefs are political stooges, you don't even have to be a cop to be a chief. They are appointed lackeys.
With all due respect, I dont think that the sunset could be "supported". Bush did'nt support the sunset, he just did nothing to stop it. I know it is semantics, but absence of support against the sunset is as close as I think we can get
Check the NRA site. I believe they quote stats that while many "Official" police orgs. are pro-AWB-ban and anti-gun in general, the majority of rank and file LEO's are firearms enthusiasts and against the ban. In my town the Chief is the guy lucky enough to have lent his time, effort, and support, to the winning candidate in the primary. My area is heavily Democratic so a Republican has no chance in an election. IMO, once they're appointed they toe the party line.
Maryland State Police opposed a proposed state awb.

I dunno' bout' federal though.
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