Politicians. Are they patriots or in it for the $$$$$

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Jan 4, 2003
canyon, texas
I was just listening to the news, if you can call it that, and now and then a Politico will come on and give his views on how the war, the economy, the moon, or anything that will get him or her on the tube, should be handled. I had a thought just for an instant. What if you ran for office and were elected knowing this? You get your paycheck each month with all the perks associated with the office. When you leave office that all ends. Your last paycheck is the last one you will get from the government. No retirement, no medical, no bodyguards. You will be just like almost everyone else in this country. You served because you were a Patriot. You do not expect the people of this land to continue to pay you, medicate you or guard you. Sure, if you are elected time and time again some will say you should be rewarded for your service with all the perks. But, if you are a multi-millionaire and can take care of yourself and your family why would you expect the country to continue to reward you with the perks. If there is a politician who is not a millionaire after serving in Washington I would like the list so I can remember his name. That may just be the only real Patriot up there. It just seems strange that these guys will spend millions of dollars to get a $200,000.00 per year job. Yes, I wondered if these girls and guys leave office with the same perks as the regular American just how many would even run for office? I think it all has gotten out of hand, but how to fix it I do not know.
It's funny isn't it. These are the guys who will campaign on their humble roots, will never have had a job outside of the govt, and yet will be multi multi millionares. Uh huh, sure you're not corrupt. As P.J. said, we don't need term limits, we need jail.

Even on those rare occasions when a good one (patriot) gets elected, they get to Washington and that sewer soon turns them into...well you get the idea.
All politicians are scum. Some are obviously worse than others but any one of them would sell you into slavery for a vote. If you keep that in mind you will be closer to the truth.
I fear that most of them.....

are in it neither for Ideals or for Money , but for the love of power. That, my friends is frightening!:what:

totally and without exception
The corruption is total and complete.
Most are in it for control/power and prestige (ego). Not all, of course, as there are actually quite a few "good guys" in the 108th Congress.

But I could do without 98% of 'em.
If there are a few good ones (which I seriously doubt) they get out because they can't stand the stench of DC. Those that stay become infected with the rot that is Washington.
I believe that most who enter politics start out with good intentions. Sure, they like the attention and the ego stroking but they still have decent ideals and goals. But politics is a corrosive enviroment and it eats away at the veneer of decency pretty quickly. By the time they make it to the national stage I'd guess that not one in one hundred is anyone you'd care to leave alone with your wife or house.
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