Positive: Something to relate

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Mar 16, 2006
Just have to share this for fun....Today I was in a used mystery bookstore in Cedar Rapids Iowa and mention to the owner that I was busy with guns right now, etc....a moment later I walked to another part of the store and this lady approached. She is probably around 55-65 and said she heard me talking about guns. Then she started conversing very, very enthusiastically that she is just a beginner, complete newbie, with guns and that she and her husband just took a beginning class through Izaak Walton League and that she is so enthused and taking another class all day Saturday and will have to take a test. She has a Glock 9mm and a SW shrouded hammer 38 spl. and wants to get her carry permit and mainly has become interested in guns for recreational shooting but also is aware of the SD aspect. I was so excited to talk with her. Maybe she felt more comfortable with me (or would have anyway) because I am also obviously a senior citizen. She talked about she is right-handed but left-eye dominant and said people were telling her to put tape on one side of her glasses, etc. I said I was the same way as her but I had read that the dominant eye is more important than the dominant hand and explained how I shoot long guns left-handed and on handguns just move my gun to the left a bit and sight with my left eye and shoot with my right hand. Anyway, enough details.....point is here is this woman just beginning at retirement age. I hope I made my conversation with her supportive and enthusiastic and encouraging. Unfortunately I had to politely end the conversation because I was running late. :)

I also referred her to THR and Rimfire Central Websites as a way to gain a lot of good information.
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Good for Cedar Rapids - my hometown. There are lots more gun people there than you might think.
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That's nice that there are more educated people out there about guns. A good number will get frowns and outright impolite about the whole thing.

The other month I was on a flight to Maui and I was reading a gun magazine. A lady about the same age 55-65 asked me many questions on guns and voiced her interest in them.
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