Post your fav varmint lights and calls

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Sep 24, 2003
OK, please post your favorite varmint light that mounts on a riflescope, and your favorite electronic and manual (mouth) calls. I'm primarily interested in coyotes. Thanks!
I mostly use mouth-blown calls. Mostly, wounded rabbit noises, for calling coyotes. Lotsa companies make them in different pitches. Pick one that matches the rabbits in your area. For me, here in Texas, I'll use a higher-pitch to simulate a cottontail, or a lower-pitch to simulate a jackrabbit.

I just hold a flashlight against the forearm of my rifle when hunting alone and Wily Coyote comes in close. Saves messing with all that "stuff". I tend to keep the KISS principle in mind.

:), Art
Thanks, Art; I have tried the flashlight bit with a G2 mounted to the rifle and with a TL3 handheld but just not enough illumination for some of my problems... sooo... shopping for a true varmint light with a belt-mounted 6-12V rechargeable... perhaps an Optronics.
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getting ready to varmint this year

Blackville property seems to have quite a few "dogs" I'm gonna find out real soon which kind they are...

Could use the advice... keep this thread rolling.

I am going to try the rabbit call and the mini thirty
Oh, well, so are handguns and most other useful inventions. Perhaps I should restrict my question to free countries/states only.... :uhoh:
I have called a few with a small boom box and a cotton tail cry, but I prefer to sit and enjoy the quiet and see what naturally comes by. I had one walk into the ground blind once on a deer hunt. He caught a whiff of me when he nearly stepped on my boots and high tailed it. The SOB spooked the deer. A stalk is another fine way to see lots of animals. Slow and deliberate with quiet boots or sneakers.

I have seen some great flashlights that were made with Maglights and different bulbs and CR123 batteries. It would be plenty bright and lightweight.

<edit> This site has directions on making your own high power mag. I think the site sells stuff too, but I'd rather make my own. I have no affiliation with the people or site.
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I use a Hayden (sp?) mouth call which has a rabbit distress call on one end and a squeaker on the other. Seldom use the squeaker; if they are that close generally lip squeak does the job. This call really works!

Have used a tape caller w/50' or so of speaker wire which called in quite a few coyotes but mike noise recorded on my tapes spooked a few so recently swapped for a Loudmouth remote e.caller. Sounds really good, but have used it a few days in the field and so far have been unsuccesful. Having better luck with the Hayden mouth call so far this summer.

You will really like the Optronics Nightblaster. I have the Max 350 and it will illuminate eyes way out there!

P.S. Olt "bite reed" squealer. If I could find another, I'd buy it for a spare. I can blow a medium-loud high pitch squeal, or bite down and give a gentle squeek and its a hands-free mouth call.
Never used lights.
Last coyote I shot was with a bow while tree-stand hunting for whitetail. gave a "kissy" call, kinda like a giving myself a hickey on the back of my hand to call him in.
I think you are referring to Eli Haydel's calls.

Most likely! :) I'm terrible w/names and this call has seen lots of use so name no longer legible.

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