President's Home in Chicago; Local Residents Searched

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Apr 19, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
First of all, I know this is a hypothetical, but it could become relevant in the next few years.

The story reports on President Obama making a "retreat" of his home in Chicago. It goes on to say that local residents have to show ID and be searched with a metal detector before they can enter their own homes.

Hypothetically, if the Supreme Court should incorporate the Second Amendment to the states--overturning the Chicago gun ban--what would be the impact to Obama's neighbors? If they are held to have a right to own firearms, and President Obama came to town, would the Secret Service have the authority to disarm them for the duration of his visit?

Even ignoring the question of incorporation, if the President were to visit any random city, can the Secret Service disarm the residents just by virtue of the President's presence? Does one man trump the rights of the citizens he passes near? What if he visits regularly?
"...can the Secret Service disarm the residents just by virtue of the President's presence?"

No. They can control traffic on the streets and within the visited property as a legitimate security measure, but there's no authority to mess with people's houses.
"...can the Secret Service disarm the residents just by virtue of the President's presence?"

No. They can control traffic on the streets and within the visited property as a legitimate security measure, but there's no authority to mess with people's houses.


The Secret Service can do just about whatever they please under the guise of National Security.
but there's no authority to mess with people's houses.

The Secret Service can do just about whatever they please under the guise of National Security.

I suspect it's somewhere in the middle really. On their own they are limited to what they can do at/to a private residence but I would guess they have plenty of friendly judges that would give them just about anything they asked for.
I had a former co-worker that threatened the life of the President. The Secret Service arrested her the next day. We were told that for the rest of her life if that president (Clinton) or any sitting president were to come to her town she would be picked up and held until they left town.
I can't speak to the veracity of this statement that is what the rest of her co-workers were told.
Just as a side note. Chicago Midway airport has been closed to all general aviation traffic (read: corporate traffic) for Feb 13-16 apparently because of the location of his house to the airport. Midway is a very very busy airport for both GA traffic and commercial traffic and I can't imagine the impact it must have for the restuarants, car rental and FBO's (basically the jet fuel or Low lead gas selling businesses at the airport)

Usually they just shut down the airport for a few hours before and after the prez comes and goes, but shutting down basically one of the busiest airports of the midwest for 3 days is ridiculous!

Okay, I'm done:)
but shutting down basically one of the busiest airports of the midwest for 3 days is ridiculous!

That was one nice thing about Crawford, no one cared if you shut the whole town down :)
Just as a side note. Chicago Midway airport has been closed to all general aviation traffic (read: corporate traffic) for Feb 13-16 apparently because of the location of his house to the airport. Midway is a very very busy airport for both GA traffic and commercial traffic and I can't imagine the impact it must have for the restuarants, car rental and FBO's (basically the jet fuel or Low lead gas selling businesses at the airport)

Usually they just shut down the airport for a few hours before and after the prez comes and goes, but shutting down basically one of the busiest airports of the midwest for 3 days is ridiculous!
I'm sure King Daley having shut down Meigs Field doesn't help the GA situation, either...
That would certainly explain the crossing-guards at 55th and Ellis yesterday.

People I know who live up towards 51st, where Obama's place was, have to deal with restrictions like (as I was told in December) having to get permission to bring guests around; four blocks south, where I am, things are business as usual. The crossing guards were the first evidence I'd seen of his presence.

I can't comment on people being legally disarmed around there, since I don't know anyone up there who is armed in the first place.
wow... that is rather excessive, and definitely infringing on people's rights. though chicago/illinois already has enough gun laws, so i guess anything they might find there would have to be illegal anyway, right?
How does getting permission to bring guests around fit in with 'freedom of assembly'?

I think it is a good thing Obama is blindly loved by all of Chi-town. I think this would be an excellent way to 'stick' Obama.

Let me assure you that if "W" bought an apartment in NYC a year ago and spent a long weekend there, with similar demands on the neighbors, there'd be lawsuits aplenty.
Gosh darn golly mister, am I glad I never moved to Chicago. Though Shedd's is amazing.

If Obama is a true public servant, he'll do something to help his friendly neighbors within 100 blocks...maybe moving his place would benefit him and everyone there.

To me it seems like acceptance by the Chicago public, but ironic at the same time, considering the laws there...maybe this wouldn't fly in a place where the residents weren't as brow beaten.
Believe it or not, Illinois law allows a persons home to be THEIR castle.
As such, unless you have made yourself known as a national security threat, even the fabled Secret Service has no jurisdiction on deciding what you do in your home and on your property.

Now while Mr. Wonderful is visiting his home in Chicago, the good neighbors may have some problems actually transporting their personal firearms to and from their homes for the duration of his visit.
Just as a side note. Chicago Midway airport has been closed to all general aviation traffic (read: corporate traffic) for Feb 13-16 apparently because of the location of his house to the airport. Midway is a very very busy airport for both GA traffic and commercial traffic and I can't imagine the impact it must have for the restuarants, car rental and FBO's (basically the jet fuel or Low lead gas selling businesses at the airport)

Usually they just shut down the airport for a few hours before and after the prez comes and goes, but shutting down basically one of the busiest airports of the midwest for 3 days is ridiculous!

you got a source for that? i just checked couldn't find anything on that with faa or pilot boards
"The Secret Service can do just about whatever they please under the guise of National Security."

Not inside one's residence. And they won't, given the horrible publicity that would result. Limbaugh would love the opportunity to "discuss" the issue.

I know when BHO had his acceptance speach in Denver, they restricted access to reseidential buildings near the pepsi center. An aquaintance did not pass the mustard according to USSS and was 'restricted' in access to his appartment during the convention, under the guise of national security.
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