Price to Convert AK-47 Low Cap to Hi Cap Mags

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Nov 29, 2008
Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows how expensive it would be to pay a gunsmith to convert a Romanian AK47 WASR that is designed to fit only Lo-Cap mags to Hi Cap mags? I know that the lo cap models are cheaper and wasnt sure if it would end up costing same in the end as buying a Hi Cap model. Would it be an easy thing for a gunsmith to do and can it be done for under $50 to allow for the 30 round type mags?
As far as I know, the only work needed is to mill out the magwell opening in the bottom of the receiver and take a bit off the mag guides on the inner walls of the receiver. That should be a relatively inexpensive task.
Think Dremmel tools.
You can open the mag well with a dremel. Go slow, remember you can always take a little more off. You just can't put any more back on. You don't want to open it so much that you get the dreaded mag wobble.
My friend did his on his kitchen table in about 30 minutes. Works fine.
Go slow, be patient.
You also have to make it 922R compliant, which means at least 6 parts have to be made in the USA. So you may want to check into this a little farther. There are plenty of threads on that you can look at that will tell you all the parts needed.
As has been mentioned, the actual work can be had for free, if you find a Kalashnikov build party near you.

The required 922r parts, OTOH, are gonna run you around $80 at today's prices.
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