Proof positive that gun control works

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Congratulations Chicago. How can you be DOWN almost 1000 shootings and still have much further to fall.

This is my first post woo hoo.
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He attributes the success to the pressure the department's putting on gangs -- and a little bit of luck.
Sounds like normal distribution to me. Up above the mean one day, below the mean on another.

I find it almost insulting that such a story, or at least the first couple of paragraphs deserved ink or bits.

Last year, Chicago had 600 killings and just over three-thousand aggravated batteries by firearm.

Cline says the city's down 112 homicides and almost one-thousand shootings compared with last year.
Assuming Cline means 488 homicides so far this year, and 599 last year (that's what various newspapers reported on january 1st)...

31 (dec) + 30 (nov) + 27 (oct, 5th through 31st) = 88
488 * 366/278 = 642 homicides this year, if they continue at the same rate.

Looks like Chicago's doing worse this year. Must be due to "pressure the department's putting on" guns "-- and a little bit of luck."
The problem is, gun control DOES WORK. Just ask Hitler!!

If you don't mind living in a 100% totalitarian state, then the state will guarantee your safety.. The price you pay is 100% of your freedom. If you find that to be a cheap payment, then sure...
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