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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
Invited to come down, drink coffee, shoot the breeze and go Putterin' with a young 92 year old gent.

So I "got my skinny butt in gear" and "just showed up". At 92, one don't worry about time, folks "show up when they get here".
At 92 one does not wear a watch, no need to be anywhere on time, and just one more something to have to mess with and keep up with.
When it is light outside, must be daylight, when the dark falls it must be night
and when the rooster crows, time to make coffee.
Eat when hungry, not when a clock "says you are supposed to eat".
Cherry pie a helluva lot more healthy than some breakfast foods anyway..

My kind of folks.

Now back some years ago, before his wife died, they would go to bit bigger city and play Putt-Putt Golf. Make an evening of it, get something to eat, window shop, make comments at the folks "not from these parts" and visit with folks they knew.

Same folks they had hunted, fished, shot clay games, and everything else.
"Pa, we need one of them gas powered golf carts" - Ma had said one night, watching the kid out on the driving range putterin' around.

So he surprised Ma with a gas powered golf cart. Neighbors down the way just cracked up; expecting these two to show up in his old truck, or Ma's car...here come a golf cart up the drive.

Been married forever, never knew they were "growed up" and supposed to be older, much less old. Holding hands, flirting, sharing a soda with two straws...
Life might have been hectic for some folks, but not these two, and folks like them.

"Deer, rabbits, squirrels, doves and whatnot not used to seeing a golf cart down the property. Just stand there, gawk and get shot".
I asked about the doves "they just fly into the paint bucket in the back, saves having to shoot them".

If this feller looked at something - it was going to fall. Just a fact.
He went on and passed on some of his guns, fishing tackle and such years ago.

"I think it was about the time my second, or was it third doctor died - forget. Just kept what needed, got some stuff put back for some special kinfolks is all..."

Ma got down, did not make it and kinfolks he liked and thought like he and Ma got everything, the rest of the kinfolks he told them to go to hell and other stuff, and not been bothered since.
Lawyer got it fixed no amount of griping gonna make a difference either.

"I like the simple stuff, always have, you were raised right, you understand all this" - I replied I did, and sipped my coffee made in a Steel Percolator on the gas stove.

"Lets go putter a bit, place probably changed some since you been down, not to mention you getting old and all, probably forgetting stuff"
I informed him when he got my age, it was fine and dandy to forget stuff, no matter what anyone said or thought.

"I get your age, I hope I got some spunk left". - he said as he winked, and stubbed out another cigarette butt in the ash tray.

We headed out back and he hollered at the dawg to fetch his "putterer- arounder".

Dawg instead just chased after a peppermint I had tossed.
"Damn dawg, can't train 'em to do nothing, can't cook, wash, iron, do dishes,... figured he would take to chauffeuring me around, since he keeps putting his paws on the steering wheel...nope just wants to ride and mess with the steering wheel...grins a lot too..."

Fetched a old H&R Topper in 20 gauge, a coffee can of shells and we fired up the "putterin' machine" and took off.

"I like the idea of pissing off the Revenuers when I get my license and tags renewed...ain't got to license this thing, and I like messing with folks - never knowed if gonna be in this thing ( cart) my old truck, or in the John Deere...keep folks guessing I say..."

We puttered and piddled, dawg riding in back sometimes, sometime out running ahead, puttering and piddlin' himself.

He had his old model 36 in his pocket, I had a handgun concealed and one old old H&R Topper with whatever shells in a coffee can.

He popped a few squirrels. "I bet you forgot how to call 'em with quarters since you and got old on me..." he said.
I replied “I may be old - but I ain't forgot..."
I "turned them, he shot and the dawg run up and " I found it!"
Teamwork is a good thing...he drove, we went by and I snagged on the fly the squirrel and keep on trucking.

"Some folks make some stuff too damn difficult - you recall before how you got all old on me - how things were" - He went on. Typical of us.

He felled 4 squirrels total, with 4 shots, and he was smooth, fluid and sure. Poetry in motion.

I was "company" so he reached into his pocket and got his old old Case pocket knife out and in short order "skint" the squirrels, rinsed the knife, did some 'taters, carrot, celery and ...tossed this into cast iron dutch oven.
"It'll be ready when its ready...the smell will tell ya when..."

He washed and rinsed that old knife, hit it on a old strop he'd made, drop of Singer Sewing Machine oil on the pivots and - dropped it back into his pocket.

I was invited back down, this time not in a real hurry, but still had to.
It was the morning of his favorite gal’s birthday, that gal that he had been married to all these years. The one that had passed on before him…
He just did not wake up on her Birthday.

I can understand this, we all could, figured he just wanted to celebrate this B-day with her, get something to eat, and go play a round of Putt-Putt with her…

Yep, as promised the gun was cleaned up, presented to a young man, and he thinks its kinda neat to have a “putter-arounder” .
Even lets his parents drive it sometimes…Being three, them pedals just not quite tall enough yet…

He’ll grow into it, just like the guns , knife you carried forever, and other stuff too…

It was a good run - damn good run indeed my friend.

In my opinion, a better eulogy could not be written, sorry for the loss of another one of your mentors Steve. :(
Steve - You've got a gift of creating an image through words. Thanks for sharing so much with all of us.

I'm sorry that another of your mentors has passed, but pleased that he led such a long and apparently full life. He lives on through you and others he taught along the way.

I appreciate the feedback, don't be sad, he wouldn't want that.
Instead passing forward means passing forward, as long we all do, somethings never leave us.

Like I said - he was my kind of people.

When Ma was alive I suggested they get a Power-Assisted chair for themselves to fight over. I commented they needed a "purrin' chair" to go with the "putterer-arounder".

"Damn thing run on gas or kerosene?" Ma asked.
"Comes with Chipmunks, cute little critters, get entertained while they run their butts off in a cage to power the thing" - I replied.

Pa cracked up. They had bought a chair like this for kinfolks, again at my suggestion, and sharing every family could use one. Folks get down, surgery, pregnant and ..."all right dagnabbit! you done sold us on the thing, now you talk to pregnant gal and her husband and get it arranged!".

Time for Ma and Pa to get one, I went with them. I thought I was with two 5 year olds. Sitting in every chair, wanting a penny for the gumball machine...sitting side by side and having power assisted chair races...
...yep all leaned back and "go" hitting the buttons, and getting raised up.
"We embarrassed you yet? If not we will try a bit harder..."
I lost Pa, seems he was intrigued by a roll top desk and was checking out the hidden compartments.

--Like I said, My kind of folks. One can learn some wisdom if you pay attention...

"Sleep in the chair, ain't got to make the bed in the morning...don't have to change sheets near as often either."

"Just go out with the dog, water the bushes, ain't got to flush the toilet either..."

We were on a private skeet field, and neither of the traps had clays in them. We had shot them dry, and just kept running the stations, and pretending to shoot.

"Shoulda done this to start with, ain't gotta pick up hulls, and I seem to miss less often..."
Oh, don't listen to that- he run 60/60 with a pump .410 before the targets played out. :p

Oh he could cook, always could, just liked a couple of local diners and "joints"...social gathering, sharing politics, jokes and what one does.
Never really bothered with a menu, if it did not move off the plate, or try to eat him first - he would eat it.

We went in, and he had brought a sack full of 'maters, green and ripened. We were shooting the bull, messing with folks and we had bothered to order - just said we were gonna eat.

Damn chicken fried steaks were hanging off the plate! Biscuits, gravy and - fried green 'maters.
"Not sure who growed 'em - but they sure do know how to grow 'em - made that cook back there look pretty good too" - he quipped , knowing full well the lady that fixed them - was behind him.

"Well you old fart, they are green, you color blind and couldn't tell they were not ripe yet?"

You know folks not from around these parts - just don't understand conversations like this....:p

He liked his computer and Internet. "Like having my own Library and all. You know if'n we had these when Ma and I were courtin' and sparkin' we would not of had to run off to the Library?"

"Where would have you had the durn thing, out in the barn - not like you two could have been messing around in front parlor..." I said.

"Oh you heard about the barn..."

Out dove hunting , and he had his "pet", a 870 Wingmaster in 28 gauge. Some folks from "not around these parts" had come down and on down the way - doing a real find job of sending doves our way.

"First time I recall having drivers for doves, must be sponsored by Winchester, or Federal or Remington..."

We both felled a 15 bird limit with 13 shells. Fellers up the way come on down, birds quit flying and "hey old man" and Pa turned to me and said they talkin' to you, turn around and try not to embarrass me..."

"Your guns are "smaller" than ours - what are those anyway?'
"Wuz 12 gauge, don't have a cleaning kit, so I guess the crud built up and the hole got smaller... leave the shells in your britches pocket and they shrink when washed too" :p
He showed them how their 12 gauge red ones , were just like his 28 gauge red ones - "just shrunk".

At 230,000 miles , his truck needed transmission work, told them to put a set of tire on it.
"What kind?" they asked
"Kinda partial to round and black"

Fellas expected that, he always said that.
"White wall in or out?"
"Durn fool question, I got better thing to do than clean white walls..."

Got the truck back, transmission fine and dandy, engine tuned up "Used to do that, but then I got to bend over and get tools, and clean fingernails, rather go take Ma out to eat, and Play Putt-Putt"

Truck was cleaned up, inside and out, even waxed. "Where in the hell is my truck, oh hell , you put a new coke can in for a ash tray too...damn thing ain't gonna act right..."

Ash tray is where various ammo rattled around. "Might want to shoot, and need cartridges..."

I come over , let myself in, and he was cooking in the fireplace. Just wrapped hamburger meat, taters, onions, carrots in foil and on the coals. Swing over grate making tea.

" Must of woke up sick or something...
Got in a cleaning mood, attacked my kitchen and the damn stove is so bright it hurts my eyes...
...fellar don't need to come down sick like that often..."

He had three foil packages on the coals. "Dawg said you were coming, and said to put on one for you, his is the one over on the left, mine in the middle and yours is the one on the right..."

Another time I showed up about the time a black preacher was leaving. Seems he had talked the Preacher's wife out of a chocolate cake and Preacher delivered it .

He could play checkers. He again had won , beat this preacher.
All these years, and he had outlived quite a few Preachers, no matter what religion, if black or white, he had beaten them.
Preachers did not come around "preaching" - they come around for some serious checker playing.

"I learnt from the best, Ma taught me".
She taught him checkers - he taught her how to shoot a shotgun.

Nope, cannot be sad, instead be happy folks like him were around to do what they did , and passed forward.

"Momma done stole my Model 12 28 gauge, I have to use this old 870 in 28gauge, damn womenfolk!" - Pa winking at Ma

"Hey I am just using a Single Shot 28 gauge..." - I replied , trying to stir up something...

" Yeah but you old and all " Ma and Pa quipped back. :D
Woke up early this morning and thought I'd do a little reading here. Thanks for sharing your words and I think I'll put a few things aside today and just putter a little today...

Another delightful pair of stories, as usual.

Those always bring large smiles with them, and sometimes a tear or 2.

keep passing forward......Thanks a bunch.
Those are the kind of stories that make a man re-think his life, just a bit. Thanks, Steve.

Thanks folks.

My kind of people, might explain why I am the way I am. :p

We were in gun store looking at old shotguns, old boy that run the place would holler when single shot .22 rifles, single shot shotguns and such would come in.
We'd get these for kids and all to have, to learn on and such.

Come in one day, snagged a 20 ga shotgun and .22 rifle, owner took a coffee can and dumped in some 20ga shells and .22 cartridges, then put the plastic lid back on.

"Don't figure you know how to open a box of shells , and I know you are going to want to shoot these ...":p

"'bout damn time that feller picked up on what I been training him on...".

Owner's wife cracked up and instead of dipping her chips into the cheese dip, dipped them in her Coke.

"Told ya going up to Yankee land to visit kinfolks would mess you up didn't I? "

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