Question for competition shooters...

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I don't know if they have an "official" name, but we call them barricades. They are made with a simple piece of plywood with a brick like pattern cut down one side, small rectangles cut out of it at different heights. You can stand them up, or lay them down on the flat edge.

They force you into funky positions in order to help you understand your platform. You'll have to cant the gun from one side to another, shoot weak handed, etc. Do you know your point of impact with your gun on it's side? You can learn a lot by shooting with different barricades.

A single piece of 4x8 plywood can be cut to make two of them, zig zag down the corner to corner line.

Edit: I found this somewhere. I think it will help. See attachment.


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I use a common cardboard IPSC target mounted to a target stand as a "barricade".

I use large binder clips to attach the target to the uprights. The clips allow me to adjust the height of the "barricade". A hole(s) can be cut in the cardboard to provide "ports" to shoot thru.

If you have access to hay bales, they make great obstacle builders and you don't have to worry very much about splash back if you happen to shoot them on accident.
We used to take two regular target stands and staple a large piece of cardboard to both of them to make a "wall". We would set up stages with bad guy targets and no shoot targets while the next shooter would be behind the "wall". When the buzzer went off and he leaned around the wall he had no idea what was going to be out there. It was interesting to watch. You had to identify all of the threats and put two holes in each one very fast. If you shoot a good guy you're out of the game. Another good element to add is do a couple of laps around the parking lot and then step to the line. It's considerably harder when your blood pressure is pounding and you're out of breath. Just make sure muzzle safety is strictly adhered to.
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