Quick update; Florida guns in schools statue: DOA....

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Apr 27, 2006
Florida media sources are now saying the new bill(s) to permit selected school or educational support staff(teacher aids, janitors, coaches, etc) the ability to carry concealed firearms on school property is now: dead.
The FL Senate will not vote on or debate this gun bill during what's left of the session.

No formal word yet on Florida's other school/guns on college campus bill. I will check it later.
Florida's state evac bill(allowing non W license holders to have firearms in state emergencies for 48hr) passed and Gov Rick Scott should be signing it into law very soon. :)

Wow I think we got less this year than a few years ago when all we got was some useless language added to the books.
I disagree ....

The Florida 48 hour evac statue isn't nothing to ignore, :rolleyes: .
It's better for non W(CCW license) holders to get 48 hours than 0.
If it were my call, Florida residents who could legally carry a firearm or obtain a valid W/CCW license could open carry firearms during declared state or federal emergency periods without a license. There would be no time or location restrictions.
The FL Sheriff's Assoc was hot to rail against evac stuff last year. They and other first responder groups supported the 2015 version of the bill. :rolleyes:

As for the guns in schools bill, I think some law-makers & educators were not on board because of the broad standards & vague language.
Who exactly could carry firearms? What type of training or re-quals would they have? Would they carry frangible or pre-fragmented rounds?
Everyone wants to do things for the children, but how or what they do can be hotly debated, :rolleyes: .

I think the guns on campus might fly but a few political figures want to stall it.
2A supporters and NRA members should contact the Florida elected body. Student petitions and anti gun media are sweeping Tallahassee :mad: .
I don't understand what it does. You could already have your guns in your car if you were evacuating. If you wanted to conceal carry you probably already had a license. Technically stuff is a little better but does nothing in practical terms.
True but ....

I agree with the statements but Florida has many residents who may own firearms or want to carry a loaded gun on them in a declared emergency but they do not have Florida W or CCW licenses(Florida uses licenses not permits).
My friend owns a gun but balks at concealed licenses, declaring firearms in airports, maintaining government issued documents related to guns, etc :rolleyes: .
He goes by the "the second amendment is good enough" ideology.

I see no problem with it. I follow the logic of maintaining licenses or documenting your concealed carry shows your a safe, law abiding, upstanding citizen. :D
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