Range Time

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Jan 6, 2011
NE, Ohio
I have tried to make a point to get to the range at least once a month during the cold, snowy, miserable months up here in NE Ohio. Tonight my dad wanted to go (he got me into hunting and I've gotten him into ARs). I decided that I would try to get my younger sister to go too and she agreed. She shot a few rounds of .22 in the past but never really had any interest since then (she's 19 and last time she shot she was probably 12). We headed to the range and she was reluctant at first but after some instruction and patience, she was hooked. She loved shooting my Glock 19 and was grouping pretty well at 5 yards by the end of the day.
When we left she couldn't stop talking about getting a gun of her own. She's always been my little buddy, but I was so proud of the gun safety she displayed and the excitement she showed. I got a call from my older sister not more than an hour after I left asking to take her next time!
haha that's great! It's always nice to share a common interest with siblings. My little sister is petrified of guns and refuses to learn, hold, or even look at a firearm. She rolls her eyes at me every time the topic comes up between me and my dad so I can imagine what kind of bond a big brother can share with his little sister over something like shooting.
Next time maybe she'll be into trying the 357. She was too nervous today so I figured baby steps are fine.
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