Relearned why I like it today...

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Jan 16, 2003
Bismarck, ND
Today I got to go to the NRA range in Northern VA and shoot some firearms that hadn't been out for a while.

The range is in the basement of the NRA headquarters building and is easily the nicest range I've ever shot at. Positions are seperated by balistic glass panels and nice moveable tables are provided to use as benches. Target holders are electronic and move in 1' increments out to 150'.

First up was my FAL homebuilt carbine. Since the end of the ban, I've had the barrel threaded and I installed a phantom flash suppressor (opened up to .30cal) on it. I needed to re-zero the FAL and sent the target out to 150'.

5 shots showed me somehow a miracle had occured and the rifle was hitting right on. I brought the target in to 50' to use my new sling and do some double taps and transitions drills.

Bang Bang, Bang Bang (bolt locks back) transition to the USP compact bang bang bang. Safety and bring the target in. I had been surprised by the feel of my uspc's trigger compared to the FAL.

The target told the story--.30 cal holes all over and 3 .40 cal holes in the black. I love this little pistol--and I now realize how terrible my FAL trigger is. This served as a gentle reminder of why I liked this pistol in the first place--it hits well for me. The trigger continues to get smoother. It isn't too small, but it is easy to conceal. The .40 is snappy, but the sights are easy to track and they come back to rest right on target for me.

I'd been distracted lately with a project 1911. I've been carrying it a lot since a HBE leatherworks COM 3 showed up for it on Christmas.

Today showed me the truth. Even without much trigger time in the last 6 months--I still hit better with the USP compact than I do with the .45, and at 50' better than with my FAL.

I guess it's time to start saving for some nice leather for this little guy.


I need to 'reconfirm' as well. Haven't been to the NRA range in over a month and probably couldn't hit the paper at 10 yards at this point. I think other 'hobbies' have just taken the limelight lately and punching holes in paper gets somewhat boring after a while.

BTW, how do you like that HBE Com3?

I reviewed it here.

In short, I love it. It is great for carrying the big pistol comfortably. My wife said Eric was great to deal with.

When I can free up the cash, the USP compact will be riding in one.

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I do that once in a remembering why your old friend is still your friend.......odd isnt it? Like coming home.........thats how I feel when I shoot a nice 1911............oh well.

BTW, I happen to have a very nice USPC mold........cough cough! Its been yelling at me to use it for a while.......yell if i can help.

Shoot well.
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