ROA.....Crown I need to know.

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Jun 6, 2007
I'm having my ROA 7 1/2" cut to a 5 1/2". I need to know about the crown to put on it. I called Ruger and they will not give it out. Any one know the crown size on a ROA?

Thank you
Black powder revolvers shouldn't have a crown or beveled bore.

The muzzle is just cut square using a mandrel in the bore then any burrs on grooves and lands are hand filed with small files to get perfectly sharp square corners on each. This will be the most accurate muzzle possable.You can bevel the outside of the muzzle a little if you like.

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Call Clement's Custom Guns. No one knows more about ROA's than David Clement.

2766 Mt. Zion Rd.
Woodlawn,Va 24381

Phone: 276-238-8761
Thank you all for your help. I called David Clement, he will cut my barrel and put the same crown on my barrel that Ruger puts on.


AbitNutz...You have a PM (private message)
My stainless roa looks to be about a 30* bevel cut, the blued roa looks closer to a 45* bevel. As long as it's cut square and no burrs it doesn't make a lot of difference.
I'm aching to get a Bisley hammer for my ROA. My thumb just doesn't fit the stock hammer when I shoot one handed. As I'm sure you all know, the hammer for an ROA is absolutely and completely different from any other Ruger. Either you weld together the bottom part of an ROA hammer and the top of something else....or you make one from scratch.
David Clement's solution is to make one from scratch. You all know that if David Clement makes this, the quality will be top notch and well beyond the stock hammer. It ain't cheap and he needs 20 orders to make it worthwhile. I've already sent him my deposit.

Yes, I'm trying to weasel others here to do the same. I know all the downsides but anything worth doing is worth doing to excess.

Weasel...the other yellow meat.
Up date, I talked to David Clements and l'm going to make a sheriff's model out of my ROA. 3 1/2" barrel.......from the forcing cone to the muzzle, and install my front sight back on. 6 to 8 weeks be for I get it back, mailing it out 1/4/2011.

It will be fun to shoot:D
Happy new year to all, and thank you all for your help.....BE SAFE.

And you know what? You'll get it back on time, on budget and the work will be perfect. You'll be thrilled to death.

Also, he will answer your emails. However, they may be one line or even one word replies. I tend to write rambling demonstrated. He ALWAYS answers but as I said, they'll be very brief responses. I'm quite sure that's the only way he gets his emails answered.

*shameless self benefiting plug to follow*
Remember, David Clement is taking limited orders for his custom Bisley hammer for the ROA. Don't miss out.
*plea/plug over. Deepest apologies. My love of the ROA often gets the better of me.*
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