S & B steel core 223

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Jan 7, 2012
Found the below brass today along with one with a light primer strike round. The rounds have kind of a copper color to them and the primer has a brighter copper color.

Dumb luck I tore apart an old hard drive for the magnets and moved the round close and it stuck quick. I was surprised at steel core in a standard 223 round. Case is not magnetic. 20210328_122635.jpg 20210328_122550.jpg
Dumb luck I tore apart an old hard drive for the magnets
Old hard drive magnets are good for lots of things, sadly I have more than I need. (que another one bites the dust.....and another ones gone....)
Platters can also be used as signal mirrors.
Might be interesting to section a bullet.
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They are worth salvaging. I use to hold kitchen knives to side of stove.

Did some googling. Other sites say they are copper washed steel jacket. No idea what that means but the whole case and all looks like copper. Ill pull it and cut in half to confirm.
Hard drive magnets are Rare-earth magnets, which have a huge, if very parabolic Gauss curve.
After plucking them out of an HDD, a dip in acrylic or a wrap in clear packing tape can be handy to keep them from flaking.
Put one in your pocket, and a hammer or wrench will stick right through the fabric. But not so hard you can't pluck the tool loose.
REM (rare earth magnets) are a handy way to 'goose' the grip of magnetic tool holders. Just be careful around scales, beam or electronic.
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