Scope issue with eyes?

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Aug 17, 2004
Alright my eyes seem to be in 100% perfect working order occording to the military. However I never good see those 3D pictures that were so popular back a few years ago.

I have a issue when I look through a scope I see the cross hairs perfectly, then they blur. I think this is due to focusing on the target. Its hard for me to refocus on the cross hairs again. Also if I close my eyes for a second and reopen I see the crosshairs fine.

Comments suggestions? Do I need to put the iorn sites down?
Actually I'm betting its the eyepiece that's not adjusted correctly to bring the image to the plane of the cross hairs

Hold the scope to a clear patch of sky and look off into the distance but not thru the scope, then quickly look thru the scope -- if the cross hairs are sharp then the eyepiece is set right. If its not but gets sharp if you change your accomadation, the eypiece needs adjustment.

If its got an adjustable objective (AO) do this with it set on "infinity" then you adjust the objective focus the target to the crosshair plane to remove parallax at the target distance -- but this won't work right if the eyepiece is misadjusted.

Proper eyepiece adjustment depends on the viewers vison, otherwise they'd be set at the factory with no adjustment. Best tp do it with the glasses or contacts on that you'f wear out in the field.

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