Selling Ammo

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Jan 3, 2011
I am a Florida resident. Is it legal for me to list and sell ammo on Gunbroker to residents of Florida and other states for mail-order sale? I am a private citizen and not an FFL. Please help me navigate the legality of such transactions and any processes I must follow to do such a sale. Thanks!
Yes, you can sell ammo on GB and and ship via UPS or FedEx.
Just follow the rules of shipping and make sure your buyers legible to buy, not underage or for example IL or some different state they need FOID or different card. Some state and city not allowed to receive ammo like Cook county IL and some others.
I'm from IL and don'tr know exact rules for different states.
Just print out a copy of UPS's guidelines and take it with you to case you meet Nervous Nellie. And don't be shy about asking for a supervisor.
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