Senator finally wrote me back. (and my reply)

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Apr 11, 2006
Taking on bogie's activism challenge here, I had sent a short note to all of my congress critters back in February. Living in a liberal state, I expected to either not get anything back, or a form letter saying how they support "responsible" gun legislation.

I had forgotten about this until today. Almost five months later I finally receive a response from Senator Chris Dodd. Here's what he had to say:
Dear Mr. Ice:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the tragedy at Virginia Tech and the issue of gun control. I appreciate hearing from you on this critically important matter.

Like people around the country and around the world, I was horrified and deeply saddened by the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the Virginia Tech community as they grieve and struggle to comprehend what took place. I pray that those who were injured will heal from their physical wounds and that, over time, the friends and families of those who lost loved ones will begin to heal from their deep emotional wounds.

The Virginia Tech tragedy is a terrible and shocking reminder that there are still far too many people killed or seriously injured by firearms each year. Throughout my career in the Senate, I have chosen to support gun safety legislation that balances the need to keep our communities safe with the legitimate interests of law-abiding gun owners. While I recognize that responsible gun ownership has long been part of America's heritage, I firmly believe that it is the obligation of government to pursue responsible policies that protect innocent Americans, particularly children, from gun violence. Data from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control show that in 2003, there were 30,136 deaths resulting from gun-related incidents, including 4,558 deaths of persons who were under the age of 21 and 198 deaths of children under 12. Please be assured that I will continue to support responsible gun safety legislation.

Thank you again for contacting me. If you would like to stay in touch with me on this and other issues of importance, please visit my website at (removed by cloudedice) and subscribe to receive my regular e-mail issue alerts. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of assistance to you in any way.



United States Senator

Needless to say I was a bit miffed that it took almost 5 months to receive even a form letter. Not to mention the fact that the Virginia Tech massacre hadn't happened when I sent the note. Here was my response:

Dear Senator Dodd,

I originally wrote to you shortly after February 28th, 2007. The correspondence was a short two or three sentence piece describing my hope that you would oppose any and all legislation that might infringe on my individual right to own a firearm.

It is now July 26th, nearly five months after you first received my correspondence, and your staff has only just gotten around to forwarding me a copy of your latest form letter on gun control. I understand that you and your staff are quite busy voting to keep taking my hard earned money and trying to run a presidential campaign. This leaves you and your staff unable to answer every correspondence from constituents personally. That's understandable. However, my e-mail came approximately one and a half months before Virginia Tech, and therefore I positively could not have mentioned Virginia Tech. This clearly shows that no one in your office bothered to take the time to read the three sentences that I submitted earlier this year.

From your form letter, it is clear that you will continue to support gun control legislation, which you refer to as "gun safety" legislation. Unfortunately, further restrictions on gun control will do nothing to make anything "safe" for your constituents, and will only make it more difficult for law abiding people to obtain and use firearms in a lawful manner. The cause of crime is not guns, and guns should not be the focus.

When you wake up and realize that guns don't commit crimes, money should not be forcibly taken from hard working citizens who earned it, and "for the children" is a terrible argument for anything, I will consider supporting you. Until that time you will not be getting a vote from me, presidential or otherwise.

Clouded Ice

I realize this e-mail won't go anywhere, and it'll probably be discarded or responded to in 5 months, but it made me feel better. I guess that's all that counts.

I love it when they play the "we're trying to protect children" card. You can always tell they are lying when they start talking about the kids.

I think you need to give his opponent a good long think in the next election.
How many children under 12 die in bathtubs or 5 gallon pickle buckets?

More to the point why does it matter? What does it have to do with the bill of rights.

As soon as folks start talking apples and oranges its Bullpoop after that.

More children die in swimming pools so does he want pool restrictions or pool safety? Politicos are just creepy people!

Seriously, how many children really die each year? With all these child safety issues: playgrounds, Chinese toothpaste, sports accidents, being hit by cars. You'd think our world would be lacking for children, yet every Sunday, a good dozen of the little things, without fail, manage to scream their way though Mass. In fact, if children are seriously dying left and right, why is it there seems to be more and more of them everywhere I go? How come our schools are overcrowded if so many of these kids are being shot? And seriously, how many children really play with guns? I've only heard of this in rumor. I've never met or read in a newspaper of a kid shooting himself with his parents' gun. I'm not saying the aforementioned doesn't happen, I just think it's rather rare.
How many children in the last 5years have turned goblin on society?
How many of those cited in the form letter turned goblin on family, friends, or schoolmates?
trying to get a weasle like that to join the real world is like trying to teach a pig to fly. wastes your time and anoys the pig.
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