Senators up in 2008--interesting, I thought

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Mar 6, 2004
Hmmmm--a lot more Repubs than Dems (although that says nothing about which seats might be more vulnerable):


Baucus, Max

Biden, Joseph

Durbin, Richard

Harkin, Tom

Johnson, Tim

Kerry, John

Landrieu, Mary

Lautenberg, Frank

Levin, Carl

Pryor, Mark

Reed, Jack

Rockefeller, John


Alexander, Lamar

Allard, Wayne

Chambliss, Saxby

Cochran, Thad

Coleman, Norm

Collins, Susan

Cornyn, John

Craig, Larry

Dole, Elizabeth

Domenici, Pete

Enzi, Michael

Graham, Lindsey

Hagel, Chuck

Inhofe, James

McConnell, Mitch

Roberts, Pat

Sessions, Jeff

Smith, Gordon

Stevens, Ted

Sununu, John

Warner, John
Unless he has changed much, Pete Dominici of New Mexico is safe. Every election year that I lived there, people sported "Democrats for Dominici" bumper stickers. he also works closely with Jeff Bingaman, the NM Dem who just won re-election. And like Dominici, Bingaman gets a lot of R voters.
NM is weird (in a good way)--their DEM governor, despite his Clinton pedigree, has been pretty good on guns. If was a REP in NY or CA, he'd be considered moderate to conservative.
i would love to see biden ousted. his continous re-election speaks volumes about a good portion of my neighbours. he is the undisputed, heavy-weight champion of empty suits. his son just won AG in delaware, and already the paper is talking about how he's being groomed for biden's senate seat. are we merovingians or americans?:banghead:
I wonder if Ford will take a shot at Alexander's seat. I want to say yes, but I can't help but think he'll do something in the meantime to screw up his chances. He'd have beaten Corker if it wasn't for the Memphis Meltdown.
If we EVER have another President named "Clinton" or "Bush", I say we're Merovingians.
Might as well go on and move John Warner over to the Democrat side. He's the biggest RINO in the senate right now, and the sooner Virginian Gun Owners can get rid of his gun-grabber pandering ass, the better.

He's consistantly rated by the NRA as one having one of the WORST RKBA voting records. I would vote for anything running against him, screaming liberal Democrat, no-name Independant or what have you, just to get him out of there. Yes, it would cost the Republicans a seat, but with him out of there, and not able to sign on with all the other liberal gun-grabbers, they can't advertise their bills as common sense "bi-partisan" legislation!

I consistently write this guy when there is any firearm legislation, and every single time I get a letter back that says, in a nutshell, "kiss my a$$ pal, I'll vote the way I want to".



If Ford runs against Lamar it will be a blowout for Lamar. Corker was a bad candidate, Lamar is kinda liberal, but really personable and loved in this state.


See if Allen can be talked into knocking Warner off in the primary.
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