Shooting one eye shut or both eyes open?

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I grew up in the country and began shooting with my right eye open and left eye closed. Joined the Navy after school served 6 yrs and was trained to keep both eyes open when Shooting. It took awhile to adjust to using both eyes but soon I found my scores improving. After The Navy I was LEO for 32 yrs and we had firearms qualifications every 13 weeks . The training there was also to fire with both eyes open. Some had trouble with it to begin with but soon found it better than one eye shooting. Was no problem for me as I was US Navy trained .
I shot with both eyes open for the first time today. It was way easier than I expected. I must have a very dominant right eye. I thought I would have to choose between the two sets of sights that I saw but my eye picked on for me. I didn't do it the whole time, just a mag full, but it was sort of a relief because I had built it up into a big deal in my mind. I plan to continue to shoot this way because I felt like I didn't have as much tension in my neck or face. (I didn't do it the entire time today because I was out there plinking with my son and he was already kicking my butt without me trying new stuff) :eek:
What's your preferred method? I'm no expert shooter but do enjoy going out on our property and putting some rounds down range. I have always been shooting with my weak eye shut. Not a great shooter but I hit the target. I'm reading more and more tactics and see a general consensus is shooting with both eyes open. I tried practicing this with an unloaded weapon and placing a target on my wall. I finally had a chance to try it out with live rounds and my shooting has seemed to have improved. My trouble is keeping my strong eye focused on the sights, it seems my mind keeps switching focus between my strong and weak eye. Any advice on how to make this a little easier? Also is it better to shoot both open, it makes sense because you can use your Peripheral Vision and have a better field of view. If shooting both eyes open is recommended is there a time where closing the weak eye would be necessary?

I prefer both open. Gives me more awareness I'm no target shooter I just like to train for defense so I know whats around me. See one eye closed and you lose your 3 d depth perception.
Keeping both eyes open and head level improves balance and stability for offhand shooting.
Even with the limited number of shots I did with my eyes open, I can see why a high count range visit would leave a lot less tension in my jaw and neck. Might prevent some unsightly wrinkles, even.
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