Shooting Steel With Dad

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Jun 1, 2004
Upper Michigan
Well, Dad and Mom and I went down to a shooting club about 40 minutes away to shoot steel with the club that shoots down there.

We brought along a Remington 40-X .22 for benchrest, a Marlin 90 16-gauge, and several pistols. (See ACP230's thread in Handguns: Autoloaders for all the details.)

We had a great time. I got to shoot everything we brought, with the exception of the Marlin, plus another friendly shooter's targetized .45 with red-dot. I had shot all the ammo I had with me, so he lent me his .45 for a moment to shoot down the last three plates plus the stop plate. (the stop plate was behind a steel ring; you had to shoot right through the ring to hit the stop plate.) Shooting that .45 was fun! Each plate was the same; just put the dot in the middle and squeeze. The stop plate wasn't any different; put the dot there, squeeze....CLANK!

I had a great time. We'll have to do this more often! (Now I've got to get Dad to start bringing some .45s!)
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