SKS questions

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Feb 4, 2004
Wow, thanks for all the input on my mini 30 questions. I got a few comments about the sks and was wondering what kind of accuracy I can get out of one with a scope. I actually owned one about 10 years ago but could not afford a decent scope. I used a mount that straddled the reciever and screwed to the side but could never get the gun to keep its zero. It shot good with open sights about 1" to 1.5" at 50 yds and about 4 at 100 yds. I wish the ruger would shoot better because it is lighter and shorter than the sks. So I guess my question is, has anyone mounted a scope on one and got it to stay sighted in? Does it shoot signifigantly better than the mini 30? I don't plan on making multiple rapid shots, if a gun is sighted in and shoots straight I can hit with it and don't usually require more than one sometimes two. Any more info will be greatly appreciated............
I have had 3 of them and they are great value guns. Tried a couple of scope systems, the one that worked best was one that replaced the rcvr cover and had a 4X Simmons.

But, why spend that money when you still have at best, a 150 yard rifle? My best shooter would run 10 rounds into paper plate at 100 yards. Then, I took the bayonet off and it became a minute-of-margarine lid shooter! Large tub on margarine, of course. Best ammo was surplus russian, steel case, no matter if FMJ, HP, or SP. Shot 'em all the same.

I put a Williams Firesight on the front and am going to put a MOJO on the rear for the hell of it.

They are a lot of fun, but you will never make a target rifle out of one. Cheap ammo in a close-range gun - fire 'em after dark -"night vision, we doan need no steenking night vision". Hoo Haa

taa, cs:D
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