Sling Shot Man

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Holy crap. I think I've seen that video on the news in the '80s or early '90s. I remember the shooting the plant stalk segment.
My grandfather grew up in West Virginia during the Depression and he and his brothers used to make their own slingshots and hunt squirrel, grouse, and other small game to help feed the family. When I was a kid I saved my money and bought one of those new "wrist rocket" slingshots with the surgical tubing bands. I showed it to him one day and it only took my grandfather a few times to get the hang of it, and after that he could knock soda cans off of a fence post at 25 yards pretty consistently. He was not as good as the guy in the video but I can tell you I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end when he had that slingshot loaded with a marble!
That video inspired me, I picked up a sling shot at Wal-Mart last night and I'm looking forward to practicing with some steel shot this afternoon.
A quarter out of the air, that is awesome. I am glad I found this thread even though it should probably be in the non firearm weapon section. I hope this guy is still hitting stuff with his slingshot today.
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